Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar Review (SPOILERS): What’s Up With That End Credits Song?

This is a really REALLY good script. Not the usual “obstacle, overcome, obstacle” sort of script, more a free floating series of events tied together by a central character conflict. And the character conflict is REAL. It’s not a “stupid people plot” reason, it’s a real life thing that is a real life problem. Until the end credits song which doesn’t even seem to fit with the depth of the rest of the film.

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Brahmastra Review (SPOILERS): This is What Happens When a Narcissist Makes a SuperHero Movie

Ugh, I did not like this movie. I did not like it so much that I couldn’t sleep last night. So I am writing this review on very little sleep, therefore very grumpy, and hating it even more than my last review when I compared it to vomit. What a fun read this will be for all of you!

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Brahmastra Review (No SPOILERS): Shahrukh Cameo, But Otherwise VOMIT

I don’t even care about spoiling the SRK cameo. It’s the main reason most of you would want to watch it, and I wouldn’t be giving you necessary info without acknowledging that. But otherwise, a disgusting bowl of undercooked reheated greasy microwave pizza with phoney “masala” sauce that was eaten and then thrown up in a big brown pile with chunks on the sidewalk by a drunk hipster who was yelling at his girlfriend at 3am while you are trying to sleep. Did that description make you feel a little nauseated and unhappy? WELCOME TO MY WORLD! Midnight, I just got home, and I feel too sick to sleep.

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Why People Hate Ranbir Kapoor, a Very Long Detailed Chronological Discussion!

I was talking with my friend yesterday about how hating Ranbir makes us all so happy, and it made me think that I should repost something to sort of give background on how myself and our small community has for a while been seeing him as a little toxic.

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Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While I Get Busy on a Three Day Weekend!

Happy Saturday! I get a 3 day weekend, and then right after it is over I go to Prince Edward Island with my Mom, and then come back, and then almost immediately leave to go stay at my sisters until Nephew B arrives. So I have to organize and take out recycling and plant things and all kinds of stuff this weekend!

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Another Reposted Ranbir Kapoor Post! Happy Wedding Ranbir!

Okay, sharpen your claws, build up the knives of resentment, stoke the fires of your class/gender anger, and let us focus all of that on the one perfect representation of every man who ever tried to tell you his pain was more important than yours, that his success is a tribute to talent and not privilege, that if we disagree with him it is just because we don’t have the depth to understand his thoughts. Take down Ranbir, and we can take down every patronizing boss, every bad boyfriend, every dumb colleague promoted over you, every person who looks at the world and only sees a mirror, not a window. Yes, our Ranbir Hate, in one great cleansing burst, will Save the World.

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In Honor of the Alia-Ranbir Wedding Festivities, Reposted Ranbir Posts!

This is a happy place, and a generally nice place, so obviously we all wish Ranbir well as a human person on earth, we want him to successfully defeat whatever internal demons he has, we want him to be at peace, and we aren’t going to troll him or stalk him or torment him on social media or any of that. But, I think we are allowed to say bad things about his acting, his films, and the way he presents himself to the world, right? That doesn’t make us bad people?

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In Honor of Brahmastra Motion Poster, Ranbir Discussion Post!!! Can You Articulate Why You Dislike Him? Personally and/or Professionally?

Elin Star is doing a deep dive in the archives to figure out what is up with Ranbir. But then I realized that the DCIB archives are probably out of date, he keeps living and not-changing, and with every year that passes there are more reasons to dislike him. Or like him, I guess? But if you like him, what are you doing on DCIB? Explain yourself!

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Discussion Post: What Celebrity Do You Somehow Not Like as a Person? Not Their Politics or Performances, Just the Personality as you Sense It?

I was soooooooooooo happy yesterday to discover that everyone else also had that creepy bad-liberal vibe from Kamal Haasan. And now I am curious about what other celebrities have given us a similar icky feeling just from interviews and things, not politics or police cases or performances.

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Valentine’s 90s Week of Romance: I Am Super Grumpy and I Am Going to Complain About Jerry Maguire (and a little Ranbir), and A Lot a Bit MEN!!!!!

The world is a bleak and horrible place filled with no sun and snowdrifts, it’s super unfair that I have to do work-work in the living room instead of continuing to sleep in my nice warm bed, and I don’t want to walk the dog. And you know whose fault that is? MEN! White Old Rich Men!!!! In some way I am not clear on, but I know I am mad about it. I’m gonna talk about how Tom Cruise/Cameron Crowe are terrible people who think they are good. Oh, and don’t bother actually watching Jerry Maguire before reading this post, I will tell you everything you need to know.

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Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While I Do Final Christmas Prep

Happy Saturday! I am right on schedule, time to do the final apartment clean and wrap presents, then go back to my parents and make a gingerbread house. I don’t know if we actually want to make a gingerbread house, but it is on the list of Christmas Activities I wrote up back in November, so we have to.

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In Honor of His Birthday Yesterday, and to Cheer Us All Up, Let’s Talk About Why We Dislike Ranbir Kapoor as an Actor/Public Person!

This is a happy place, and a generally nice place, so obviously we all wish Ranbir well as a human person on earth, we want him to successfully defeat whatever internal demons he has, we want him to be at peace, and we aren’t going to troll him or stalk him or torment him on social media or any of that. But, I think we are allowed to say bad things about his acting, his films, and the way he presents himself to the world, right? That doesn’t make us bad people?

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