Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me 2 Days After Madhuri’s Birthday???

Happy Monday! I am a baaaaaaaaaaaad blogger. I totally forgot Madhuri’s birthday. No post, no theme watchalong, all just a general disaster. I hope she will forgive me.

Here is where you get to ask me anything you want from “Why is Madhuri’s hair like that?” to “Can you give me a brief overview of her career?” Just keep swinging back here all week as you think of new questions!

Now, question for you! Madhuri themed, of course. What is your favorite Madhuri movie?

For me, Aaja Nachle! With Koyla second (because SRK). She is gorgeous and confident and powerful and it is the perfect role for her. And then in Koyla, she is fun and a little funny, and also gets SRK scenes!

12 thoughts on “Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me 2 Days After Madhuri’s Birthday???

    • It’s interesting. There’s two love stories, both of them go in unexpected directions. Neither of them have exactly “happy” endings in a traditional sense.

      On Mon, May 17, 2021 at 2:15 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. I like Gulaab Gang. It isn’t that I think Madhuri is awesome in it, but it is ALL women, kick butt fighting women, even the evil Juhi. So yeah, Gulaab Gang is my favorite Madhuri movie. Your love of Koyla constantly astounds me, personally I prefer Anjaam, pretty much because a prefer an obnoxious playboy SRK to a mute animalistic one. But Koyla does have better scenery.


  2. Hmmm… this is so hard. There are so many. I’ll follow your lead and keep it at two. The movie I watch just for Madhuri is Dil Tera Aashiq. I adore her in it. Her comic timing is impecible. The movie rests entirely on her shoulders. Same with my second choice, Beta. The movie is all about Madhuri despite the title being about Anil. In Beta she is clever, strong, loyal, knows what she wants. Also her seducing Anil after they are married is just amazing!


    • I just used a Beta gif to explain how awesome MAdhuri is to my co-worker who didn’t know her

      On Tue, May 18, 2021 at 9:06 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Yay, that is perfect!!! Have you seen the movie yet? If not, maybe one for the watchalong to celebrate Madhuri’s birthday?


  3. Started watching Beta last night after seeing this and Madhuri is indeed stunning and wonderful, but now I have a question. What was with this rural simpleton character all the leads were playing around this time? Aamir in Raja Hindustani, I haven’t seen Koyla but guessing SRK in Koyla, Anil in Beta. Where did that character type come from and why were there so many of them around the same time (or does it just seem that way to me because I’m noticing for the first time)?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooooo, good question!!!! The naive innocent hero is definitely a Type, going all the way back to Raj Kapoor. Why it would suddenly pop up again all over the place in the 90s, I do not know! Maybe in reaction to the years of Amitabh and other action heroes who were definitely not the naive type?

      On Wed, May 19, 2021 at 5:56 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • It’s interesting they’re paired with such modern heroines. Maybe trying to show the two Indias? Karisma the sophisticated city girl, and Madhuri is very independent and defends her rights in front of the whole village.


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