TGIF: Feminist SRK! (I’m Lazy, Partly a Tumblr Link This Week)

On the one hand, this was too good not to share.  On the other hand, I’m not going to just rip off Tumblr and steal their page views.  So I am finding a middle ground, pulling my favorite images, adding on some other images from elsewhere in the internet, and HIGHLY HIGHLY encouraging you to follow this link.  THIS ONE!  RIGHT HERE!

(“Feminist” meaning anything that questions established gender roles/calls for an overall improvement in society)

Love this one, so simple and so clear.




Okay, I see that this one is needed, but I don’t want to acknowledge it.  Let me enjoy my hot-guy-being-sensitive memes without asking myself why I am enjoying them!

Not a great one for me, because I am fair, and I thought he might like that about me.  But I guess in the grander scheme of things, a helpful message.

YES YES YES!!!!  This is what I am saying about SRK being “just” a romantic hero, or movies being “just” love stories!  And with sensitive eyebrows too.

My head says the first idea is right in this one, but my heart kind of leans towards the second.


And, just to round this out, some actual real SRK quotes (WARNING! May cause heart flutters, tears, and passionate lifelong devotion):

Image result for shahrukh feminist quote

Image result for shahrukh feminist quote

Image result for shahrukh women quote

Image result for shahrukh women quote

Image result for shahrukh women quote

Don’t know how this is supposed to sell tea, but okay!

Image result for shahrukh women quote


And finally, after all of this:

Image result for shahrukh woman quote

19 thoughts on “TGIF: Feminist SRK! (I’m Lazy, Partly a Tumblr Link This Week)

    • What I cling to (one of many things) is that Shahrukh’s feminist credentials at least have remained strong. His heroine’s always have great roles and interesting characters. Problem is, in some of his last films, their characters were more interesting than his. I would have loved to watch a Dilwale that follows Kajol and Kriti, you know? Or a Raees sequel following Mahira’s character.

      On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 11:22 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

      • I guess people that have grown up with SRK see the dichotomy too. Him in real is sexy on steroids. Him in his own films is a soppy mess. Somethings amiss and we the audience can see that. Whatever the problem is it isn’t a result of his moral compass being out of tune with his female (and male) fans’ sensibilities. It feels like all this bad judgement is coming from a place of insecurity which somehow doesn’t show up in interviews etc. So what’s the problem? We have no idea.


        • After I send my imaginary super therapist to Ranbir’s house so he can work through whatever it is that is making him resist growing up, I will send the same therapist over to SRK to fix whatever it is that is making him lose faith in himself onscreen. And then all 3 of them can go fix Salman.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Hah! Except nobody can fix Salman. He’s crossed over to the other side. He’s going to be the awkward hot uncle (or unwed tau!) that hits on/is crushed on by nephew character’s love interests. Or he’d go the Mohanlal/Pawan Kalyan route and be the single by choice man of principle who is a pillar of morality and a champion of social justice. Oh wait, he’s already kind of there. 😁


          • I have a crazy hope that he and Kat will fall in love all over again during the Tiger promos, get engaged, have a quick marriage, she’s pregnant within a year, he moves out of his childhood bedroom, and starts playing serious professional grown up characters on film. Because he is so cute with babies! And I feel like Kat has earned her happy ending.

            On Sun, Aug 6, 2017 at 11:48 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


            Liked by 1 person

          • Or he’d marry a ‘childhood friend’ who would be all the rights kinds of rich and not an actor. That way she can never outshine him and be the jageer he wants his woman to be. She’d be in her mid or late 30s so she can pop out a few babies before he hits 60 and she do those ‘what Salman is really like as a hudband’ interviews for glossy mags. She’d make the super rare tv appearance in which she’ll talk only about Salman and what a golden heart he’s got and how the bad boy we see on tv isn’t the real him. He’d still be romancing girls half his age on screen or become the pawan kalyan type of guy. I’m actually pretty confident he’s gonna do a remake of Janata Garage or Katmarayudu sometime soon.


          • So, he’ll do the Shahid Kapoor thing? I can see that.

            And I would love to see him in Janatha Garage! Or anything like that, it’s time.

            On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 12:09 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I really really want her to find someone better than Ranbir, because the press has put her through such stuff since that break-up. But better than Ranbir is kind of a high standard to have. There’s Salman, and……? Is there an unmarried Ambani around?

            (not “better than Ranbir” as someone who will make her happy, that seems like a pretty low standard, but you know, with the money and the social power and the fame and stuff)

            On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 12:10 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Now that I think about it, it’s also a numbers game. If there are 5 top heroines to every 1 top hero, they can’t all marry him.

            But yeah, I really want Kat to show up Ranbir. Somehow. Is Prince Harry still unmarried?

            On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 6:50 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • Oh! He could join the film industry! Be the token white guy in stuff. He’d be great at it!

            On Mon, Aug 7, 2017 at 8:18 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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