Watch SOTY2 Here in Half an Hour, 10am Chicago Time!

Such an exciting weekend! I scheduled a last minute KKHH watch late late late on Saturday, and then I changed the proposed time of this morning’s viewing from 7am Chicago time to 10am Chicago time. And this one was scheduled a bit last minute too. Oh well, hopefully I still get people to join! Who doesn’t love SOTY2?

SOTY2!!! It’s available on Prime in America, and possibly also other places, or not, who knows, the mysteries of Prime.

Anyway, you will enjoy it! I promise!!!! Swing back here in half an hour, 10am Chicago time, and I will start off the comments and then we can watch all together, it’s nice.

276 thoughts on “Watch SOTY2 Here in Half an Hour, 10am Chicago Time!

  1. Since I’m late, here are some general thoughts I have about the movie that I’m not sure have been said already.

    – I do really enjoy this movie, but not as much as the first one.

    – It bothers me that they have the occasional references to songs from the first one. Like bad remixes of Kukkad and Ishq Wala Love. Kukkad is Sid’s song.

    – Both ladies are gorgeous, but for some reason, I gravitate more towards Ananya than Tara.

    – It’s not as fun/easy to make this movie gay, as is the first one. Ananya and Tara have nowhere near as much chemistry as Sid and Varun.


  2. This is way way too serious for a high school romance, right? Tiger got a tattoo, but now Ananya is talkinga bout being at his deathbed? Alarm bells!


  3. ALSO, general thought, Mumbai Dilli is probably my favorite song from the soundtrack and it was just a promotional single??? I’m still upset.


    • And they set it up! his friend later says he is getting married, clearly it is supposed to be a wedding song for that with both girls there, before the final confrontation. Must have been cut last minute.


    • It’s the “ro” that we have already discussed. I say it is the worst because it sounds like “roo” from Winnie the Pooh


  4. Is Manav’s full name really Manasvi? I have a student Manasvi who’s a girl? I’m confused? I only watched this movie once?


    • No. His name is Manav. Manavsi is a girl’s name. They are teasing him by calling him a girl’s name. They might have been legitimately confused about it during the club scene, but then when they were beaten up for it, they are now deliberately saying it to make fun of Manav.


  5. I don’t think all of Tiger’s kicks are even connecting in this scene? Like, I think the stunt guys might be falling before he even gets close to them? Or maybe it’s just the power of his righteousness that is defeating them, not the kicks at all


  6. Wait, so how is this going to work? Are they going to do a long distance thing with her in London?

    Also, Tiger, not cool! You just left Mia upstairs! These relationship dynamics are so complex


  7. I get that this is the entire point of the movie, but this competition scene goes on FOREVER.

    Maybe that’s why I like SOTY1 better? Cuz the actual competition wasn’t really the point?

    Liked by 2 people

  8. And maybe that’s also why this movie is kind of lacking. As much Kabaddi is in this movie, I still don’t fully understand how it works.


  9. “Not my future, because I am 18 and can’t make promises like that, but let’s just date for now and see where it goes”. THat’s what he should have said!

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Okay, one of the things that annoys the heck out of me is that the person attacking is supposed to say “kabaddi kabaddi” the entire time he is attacking. That is just the basic rule of kabbaddi!!!


  11. Should I be able to tell that no one is wearing a cup under their shorts on the Saint Teresa side? If feels like maybe that is TMI


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