Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Reading and Watching and Thinking and Listening to the Week of Kirre’s Birthday???

Happy Wednesday! Also, for my American readers, remember this is the Happy Place and we are not talking about stressful things here. Just Shahrukh’s hair and Harsh’s sneakers and stuff like that.

I’ll start!

Reading: The Secret Adversary. Our DCIB Book Club pick! Kindle says it should only take about 2 hours to read (which seems accurate), and we are talking about it on Sunday. Join us! (free online version of the book here: )

Watching: Oh my, so busy! On Sunday I made my parents watch Andhadhun and my Mom was very stressed. On Monday they made me watch The Big Sick and I was very stressed. And then on Tuesday, I watched Bobby Jasoos with my friend group (yes yes, Filmikudhi, you can get excited now). Tonight in theory I could watch another movie with my parents but I am just exhausted, I think it’s brainless TV time.

Thinking: Is it wrong that I am only at my parents’ tonight because I need laundry? My Mom always does laundry on Wednesdays, so if I wait to go back to my place until tomorrow, I can take a bunch of clean clothes with me. That seems fine, parents like to feel needed, right? It’s like a gift to her that I arrived with a huge bag of dirty clothes and will be leaving with a huge bag of clean clothes.

Listening: It’s Rahman’s birthday, but also Diljit!

And a question for you! 2020 Awards! I have posted all of my ideas, is there anything you think I have missed?

50 thoughts on “Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Reading and Watching and Thinking and Listening to the Week of Kirre’s Birthday???

  1. I made a list of the best and the worst movies I’ve seen last year:

    The movies I loved:
    Oh My Kadavule
    Double Seat
    Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas
    Chi La Sow
    Surkhi Bindi
    Mouna Ragam
    Girlfriend (marathi)
    Bhanumathi & Ramakrishna
    Aai Shappath
    Ardab Mutiyaran
    Tholi Prema

    The movies I hated:
    Ek Villain
    Pyaar Prema Kadhal
    Amaram Akhilam Prema
    Kadhalum Kadanthe Pogum
    Sarvopari Pallakaran
    Maniyarayile Ashokan
    Love Mocktail
    Shimla Mirchi
    Dear Comrade

    Liked by 1 person

      • Objectively speaking some of them are not a good movies e.g Marjaavan is a strange mix of being OTT and low budget, but it made me cry a lot, and laugh and roll my eyes, and has beautiful music and that’s what I want from a movie; Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas has Karan Deol who is absolutely wooden, but the plot was sweet and romantic like the old films and Saher Bambba was great, and again the music was good.


  2. Reading: The second Tommy and Tuppence volume. Love how meta they are.

    Watching: Today I put on the live action Beauty and the Beast while working. I thought I already knew the story, so what’s the harm? But the production values were surprisingly distracting and the re-transformation of the servants was surprisingly touching.

    Thinking (in the broadest sense): I’ve been put on half hours at work. Which only means I have to get our boy out of daycare that much earlier. But I’ve been surprisingly productive while allowing him his outdoors nap in his stroller. I’ve finally been able to write a few lines again.


    • Yaaaaaay, Tommy and Tuppence!!! I think I read the second one first. It’s fun, and it gave me a big list of other detective serieses to read, and the episodic format made it a very easy read. The third one is maybe the best as-a-book, really interesting consideration of middle-age and stuff. It won’t freak you out to read a British WWII novel, right?

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 8:59 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Well, war is always worth freaking out over. I don’t think the perspective should really matter. Though I’m aware it’s probably not gonna be the stereotypical “evil Nazis” plot you get in more speculative fiction and that I’m pretty used to.


        • My favorite bit is all the bad science to identify Germans. Stuff like “aha! He must be a spy because of his distinctively German head shape!” IT’S THE SAME!!! British and German people are THE SAME!!!!

          Anyway, it’s a good book, about feeling useless and wanting to help even though the younger generation is setting you aside, and there’s a kind of surprising resolution to their whole “does anyone need us any more?” personal issues at the end.

          On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:29 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • I have read right on and am now at the point of suspecting Betty – for the fact of being the least likely culprit.


          • Yaaaaay! So glad you are plowing through. I absolutely love Tuppence in that book, just doin’ her own thing because she knows it is right, even though Tommy won’t like it.


  3. Watching: Ida Lupino movies that are free HD on Youtube, basically old movies binge along with some true-crime docs on Netflix.

    Reading: ‘The Girl on the Balcony’ the autobiography of Olivia Hussey by her. She really has such an interesting life, and knowing all the behind the scenes stuff of the best R&J adaptation is really interesting. Might read the Agatha Christie book in between it if I can read it before the 10th.

    Thinking: Just counting the days for my birthday and not thinking about school at all. The family only celebration is on Friday and we are planning on ordering from a Nepalese restaurant for the dinner. The butter chicken from that restaurant is one of the best EVER!


    • What true crime docs are you watching? I have been hitting true crime HARD and I need recs.

      Read the book with us! It’s real short, the estimated reading time is like 2 hours on kindle. And it’s fun!

      Yaaaaaaaaaaay, birthday!!!! Will we be watching Mirzya on your birthday itself? I can’t figure out timezones.

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:13 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Here my celebration would be on the 9th on Saturday, but there is going to be some moving going on so the movie was best for Friday/Saturday night. So technically yes, actually.

        I watch true crime that is usually produced by Netlfix. Unsolved Mysteries (which I love), The Ripper, American Murder, The Pharmacist (love this too), The Keepers, Amanda Knox etc. Basically, all with the Netflix red mark on them, unless they don’t look interesting.

        But then there’s the classic Inside Job documentary that is just one of the best ever. Thanks to it I basically learned why our family had to move from Asia back to Finland – though too many hard feelings about it since living in Asia is its own rich bubble. But it was nice learning as to why things unfolded as they did. Unless you’ve seen it I highly recommend it.


        • Yaaaaaaaay!!!! We can all be the first to wish you “happy birthday”. That makes me happy.

          I have seen all of those, except Unsolved Mysteries (I can’t STAND unsolved mysteries. I need an answer!), and The Pharmacist (looks too sad). The Keepers is unsolved technically I guess but that show was so amazing and I enjoyed spending time with those ladies so much.

          On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:33 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • Mirzya, Yaay! My absolute all trime favorite film despite its flaws and all the good ones that have come out since. I just can’t stop watching Harshvarrdan in it., such a compelling debut performance.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’m also a fan of true crime and old movies. While I actually WATCH Indian films (subtitles and all) I can occasionally trip out or do something else and just listen to You Tube..


      • Exactly! Watching movies for real is exhausting, but I can have a TV show going in the background for company and only half pay attention.

        On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:44 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  4. Thinking: My 2020 award arrived today, a beautiful SRK card to add to my collection, and Albie! Thank you.

    Reading: Appreciate the Agatha Christie link. I caught some Tommy Tuppence on Acorn, but never read the series. Hope I can get through it all by Sunday.

    Watching: Kinda glued to Georgia election results today.


    • Yaaaaaay, so glad you got the card!!!

      It’s a pretty quick read, and very fun, hope you can get through it before Sunday too!

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:50 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  5. Reading: The Neverending Story (a children’s book, trying to relax before sleep)
    Watching: The Queen’s Gambit (not so relaxing)
    Thinking: problems to solve this week


    • I have never read The Neverending Story. Let me recommend The Secret Adversary as an alternative soothing, it’s so old-fashioned that nothing really seems that scary.

      I did watch The Queens Gambit and I was nervous the whole time because it felt like it was going to be a story of a slow slide to destruction. But SPOILERS the ending is completely happy and triumphant, you can relax END SPOILERS.

      I have faith you will solve all your problems! It’s gonna be a good week!!!!

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 9:55 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Ooh, Neverending Story. Yes, it’s a children’s book, but it also makes a strong case for the power of imagination/fantasy. Which is obviously why I love it.

      Does the English translation also manage to start each chapter with the letters of the alphabet in order? Those illustrations were gorgeous in the hardcover edition we had at home.


    • Another one I might have to crowd source! But I am sure we could do it.

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 10:20 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. Ahhh!!!! You watched Bobby Jasoos!!! I don’t even care if you hated it, I’m just happy you watched it. What did you did? Are you posting a review?


    • I did like it! And I am posting a review! And I have it in my mind for a Watchalong!!!

      On Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 12:07 PM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I am pretty sure you and I might be the only two people who have seen this movie but I really hope more do!! Now, at some point, you should also check out Dolly Ki Doli. Another fun and underrated movie, IMO, and probably only my opinion. But I unapologetically love Sonam.


  7. I’m thinking I need to change my WordPress photo because when I comment on our local newspapers’ web page it shows my then 7-year-old’s duck-tape SRK in Veer-Zaara doll. I’m pretty sure my community members will NOT understand.


  8. Youtube recommended me this song and I liked it a lot. But even more than the song I liked the video. Ali Zafar is great, and how I miss a good movie with such sad glances like the ones he exchanges with his lover.


    • Watch Bobby Jasoos!!!! If you haven’t already. Ali Zafar is a great supportive sweet longing glances love interest.

      On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 10:02 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



      • I never planned watching Bobby Jasoos, but now I may. I like Ali Zafar, but unfortunately I was this one person who watched Milan Talkies, and the movie was so boring I had enough of Ali for years. Now that I think about it, Shraddha Srinath was also is this movie and maybe that’s the reason I don’t like her much


  9. Reading: I’m 53% done with A Suitable Boy after my vacation intensive reading!

    Watching: I am still plowing through Jodhaa Akbar. I think I have less than an hour now. I’m honestly having a hard time maintaining interest, but I’ve sunk so much cost now. At any rate, would still be happy to have Hrithik be my benevolent dictator.

    Kai Po Che: This is newly on Netflix Japan and I’ve never seen it. I very much liked it and it avoids the problem I think Rang de Basanti has, which is it’s all fun and games until someone gets killed. You have to have a happy beginning or we won’t like the characters enough to care when something terrible happens at the end, but if it’s too happy in the beginning the end is a bit jarring. This one is a good mix of happy and sad throughout. Just, the ending is a little abrupt. There’s only a minute or so to deal with what has happened.

    Ludo: Decided to continue with Rajkummar. I liked this also and I’m trying to decide if it’s my favorite of the year. I just had a hard time keeping up with the guy and the nurse from Kerala who steal the money (is she planning on running away with the money? And then changes her mind?).

    Puzzle: Not an Indian film but of course it has Irrfan, whose birthday it is today. I thought this was going to be a comedy about wacky people who are way into puzzles, and Irrfan would be a magical brown man who helps Kelly Macdonald find herself and the last shot would be them winning the puzzle competition while Kelly’s previously demanding/negligent husband and sons cheer and Kelly and Irrfan exchange a glance that has the barest soupcon of sexual tension. It’s not that. It’s highly reminiscent of Ritesh Batra (delicate and slow movie about a very different man and woman who come together in odd circumstances, with an open ending). Irrfan’s ethnicity is not mentioned at all and his character’s name is Robert but he doesn’t put on an American accent or anything. Which, good for the filmmakers! We don’t explain Arnold Schwarzenegger’s accent; why should we explain Irrfan’s?


    • I was gonna ask you if you had finished Jodha-Akhbar yet! Yeah, everything reeeeaaaaally slows down after they have sex. The rest of the movie kind of feels like an epilogue to me. But as you say, sunk cost! Finish that sucker! It will be good practice for after you finish A Suitable boy and try to watch the miniseries.

      I am never gonna see Kai Po Che because I had to read survivor accounts in one of my grad school classes and it’s the kind of thing you think about in the middle of the night for the rest of your life. But glad to hear a review!

      Ludo! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I really really liked it, and recommended it, and the DCIB crowd was generally more “ew’ about it. So glad to get confirmation from someone else who liked it!

      Yeah, I read some really interesting reviews of Puzzle that made it sound like the film itself is kind of recreating the puzzle experience. Calm and challenging and up to you to do most of the work.

      On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 2:00 AM dontcallitbollywood wrote:



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