Happy Shahrukh Birthday Month, Day 1 (of 31)! 31 Gifs for Us All

I sense a disturbance in the world of my blog.  On one side, I have many many voices crying out in joy at the thought of 31 full days of SRK posts.  And then on the other side, I have not quite as many voices crying out in despair.  So, here’s the deal.  I will continue my Monday and Tuesday reviews.  And my Friday Classics.  And I’ll throw in news posts and so on.  It won’t be all SRK all the time.  But all TGIF and Sunday fanfic content will be replaced by SRK focused items.  I mean, most of the people who read those are SRKians anyway, right?  And every day there will be a special SRK birthday post counting down 31 to 1.  Some of them very very silly (as this one will be), and some of them serious (for instance, best performances).  If you don’t absolutely hate SRK, at least read the headline topic for the post before deciding not to read it, there will be good content in here.

(All of these Gifs are made by other people not me because I don’t know how.  I will give credit where possible)

31. First, a reminder that I really shouldn’t care if you judge me for my 31 days o’ SRK party.

Image result for shahrukh khan gif dear zindagi

30. This is for my friend who both does drag and looooooooooooves Duplicate.

29.  This is for all of us who love SRK lips.

28. Speaking of SRK lips

27. Be warned, heart palpitations may be caused by this one.

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26. And other kind of palpitations by this

25. And this.


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24. And this.


Image result for shahrukh khan dard e disco gif

23. Oh, now we’ve embarrassed him!

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

22. Oh, no we didn’t, he can handle it.

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

21. Yay, someone else agrees with me as to SRK’s best outfit in DDLJ!

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

20. Although this one is pretty good too

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19.  Of course, Shahrukh does want us to give him a giffy dance partner

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

18.  Like Kajol

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

17. Or Rani

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

16. Or Priety

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15. Or Kareena

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14.  Or Manisha.

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

13. Or Kajol

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12. And Kajol again

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

11. And again

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10. And again

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9. Although he knows he is still good on his own

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8. Very good

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7. Perfect, in fact.

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6. Even when he gets angry

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5. Especially when he gets angry?

Image result for shahrukh khan raees gif

4. Although silly is nice too.

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

3.  Silly and a little flirty

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

2. We haven’t done anything wrong, see?  We just make him smile!

Image result for shahrukh khan gif

1.1. Have to end with this one!


Image result for shahrukh khan gif

43 thoughts on “Happy Shahrukh Birthday Month, Day 1 (of 31)! 31 Gifs for Us All

    • I was ready for a migraine pill! If I ever to a gif post again, I may want to put more space in between so its not quite the cacophony of images that this is.

      On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 3:31 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

    • See, this is the kind of reaction that made me decide to do a full month this year instead of cheaping out with only 16 days!

      On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 3:50 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  1. This could just be enough to weaken my aging heart! I put the OSO open shirt one on my iPhone as wallpaper. My son, who is almost SRK’s age, told me in so many words it was inappropriate for an “old lady”. Then he laughed and showed his friends, using the term my 12 y/o grandson uses:
    “gramma’s crush”.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Now I feel like I should be steering you towards Amitabh! Since he is more appropriate for your age group. But then, who am I to judge? I’ve got a crush on a guy 20 years older than me.

      On Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 7:17 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:


      Liked by 1 person

      • SRK was my introduction to Indian Cinema in MNIK. I do like Sr B but he is just not the appropriate one; he’s just not the same caliber as SRK.
        My daughter who is almost SRK’s age called me a cougar when I told her I was going to Indian to meet him on his 50th birthday. She didn’t really believe me at first. But, have been laughing at that ever since because I went and spent almost 20 minutes alone with him.
        Tell me could you spend that amount of time with him and not go overboard about him????
        I have seen almost all of his films and own quite a few. I developed a retirement hobby of watching Indian films. Have seen almost a 1000 now. Mostly the recent ones, as I am not such a fan of the old ones. I have a problem with the screechy singing of the old ones. No matter, I have found a hobby that I love.
        And now I’ve found a place that shares SRK! even better

        Liked by 1 person

          • it’s sort of a long story.
            When I first started watching SRK movies, I went online and stumbled over the SRKCHENNAIFC. I contacted them and told them I wanted to be a member bc I really really like SRK. I was accepted by them. I’m sure I was an anomaly, an elderly white woman learning about Bollywood(before I learned Indian Cinema). And they had just started as a FC. I think it is one of the best bc they did not laugh at my desire to learn more.
            When it came time for SRK’s 50th birthday, I was besieged with requests to come to India for his birthday. I had yet to experience just what that meant. Just saw pictures online of masses of people. And I don’t do crowds. I told them I really couldn’t afford to come. They told me I was going to be the FC’s birthday present to SRK. I was so down bc this was the opportunity of a life time. When suddenly I was informed that by law I had to take out funds from my retirement account. SO there was my India trip.
            I told the FC I could come and I would stay at the Taj Lands End hotel near his home.
            My room became SRKCHENNAIFC head quarters. The guys and I had such fun. We had presents and cake and tee shirts. They kept telling me I would meet SRK. Now I had never really been a fan before so I was unsure of what this was all about.

            Liked by 1 person

          • My personal hotel assistant reassigned my room so it looked out over Mannat. She loved the fact that I was going to meet SRK, saying he often uses the hotel for events.

            Liked by 1 person

          • I asked a maid to let me in to see a room on the other side since we were facing the wrong way but there angle was wrong and I couldn’t see it. What floor were you on? (I’m going to make SURE next time.)

            Liked by 2 people

  2. First of all there is NO such thing as too much Shah Rukh. I came for him and stayed for the rest but with out him, the rest is dust. I love this blog for many reasons but chief amongst them is your SRK coverage!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Continuing on how I spent so much time with SRK. We went downstairs to where he was doing a show and met Karuna Badwal. She told me I would definitely get to see him. Time was passing. There was a group of kids, obviously with cancer. As a RN, I knew. They wanted me to go into see SRK and I refused. I told them those kids were going to meet him. Bc I would probably live, even at my age, to meet him in the future and some of those kids would not. I think Karuna was amazed that I would fly 22 hours and give up the chance to meet him for kids. But I could never have lived with myself, if I had been that selfish with kids with cancer. So after the show when the dinner was being served to the FC members, she took me into a private room to meet him.
    Truthfully, i developed tachycardia(racing heart beats), shortness of breath and knees that turned to water. He came over and I thought I’d die bc my mouth didn’t seem to be working. And I have never had that problem in my life! He asked me my name and the conversation began.
    He listens intently. His eyes are incredibly deep, like you can see into his soul. He was aware of the area in the USA I come from bc KANK was filmed in New Haven and he was a Chubb Fellow at Yale. He is a very touchy-feely type of person. He never took his hand or arm off me the entire time. Thank God for muscle memory bc I sure remember that touch.
    I told him I didn’t have a birthday present for him, bc what could a person like me give him? That was the first of three hugs.
    We spoke about my profession as an Registered Nurse who became a Psychotherapist and what that was like. Second hug.
    The third hug one came when I told him I’d brought 2 of my kids’ favorite childhood books for Abram as well as the request for him(SRK) to make the gift of time to Abram and read them to him. That hug almost did me in bc I literally squeaked out loud bc he hugged me so hard and tight.
    I will never forget the generosity of the SRKCHENNAIFC for making me one of their 50th birthday presents to SRK. I love the memories of it. The intensity of his gaze. His eyes. His touch. And yes, his beard and hair were soft. AND he smells divine! Every Indian person I meet, I show them my picture with him. And I can just about hear their internal voices saying, “how did this old white woman meet HIM?”

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sigh. Thank you for sharing your story! I love that you made such a great connection with SRKCHENNAIFC folks too. I get a good feeling about them, and follow them on Twitter.

      I can’t believe I’m asking this out loud in a public forum, but what did he smell like? Everyone says how great he smells, but with no details. Floral? Spicy? Citrusy? Musky? Tobacco-y? Some combination?

      And I fully support Grandmas having crushes on anyone they feel like. I’m in my late 40s and fully intend to keep on crushing if I’m lucky enough to be a Grandma one day. Probably still on SRK. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

        • Hi, thanks. 🙂 I don’t mind tobacco-y because I grew up in a family of smokers. So it’s nostalgic for me. But I notice still no details about the nature of his amazing smell. Maybe he makes everyone who comes into his personal space sign a non-disclosure agreement?

          So cool that you got to meet him and really have a conversation! And 3 hugs!

          Liked by 1 person

          • I think the overwhelming aroma boggles the mind. But, I have poor senses of smell and taste so was handicapped somewhat. It reminded me of Christmas, gold, frankincense and myrrh. Now I know it probably wasn’t but it was like that awe struck sensation of Christmas morning just being there. Nothing warms my heart and soul more than thinking of that meeting.

            Liked by 2 people

  4. Connecting with the ChennaiFC sounds awesome! Well done!
    I’ve also experienced a birthday meeting, much shorter, but also a memory of a lifetime ( and tragically, can’t remember how he smelt, I was too overwhelmed!). It was after surviving the Mannat crush in the afternoon – scary but another incredible experience.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Pingback: Happy Birthday to Shahrukh!!!!! 31 Times Over | dontcallitbollywood

  6. Pingback: 7 Bollywood movies that have some most beautiful life lessons!

  7. Pingback: 7 Bollywood movies that have some most beautiful life lessons! -

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