TGIF: Men Lying Down

Okay, how can I say this classily?  There is a certain kind of pose which seems to say “yes, climb on top of me and enjoy yourself”.  That is the kind of pose that I am looking for this week. You know, so you can pretend you are kneeling on top of them throwing rose petals or something in a chaste and romantic manner. (I promise, next week will be something silly and innocent again!  I don’t mean to be running a soft porn site, truly!)


Now, for the male options, why make you wait?  Life is too short.  I give you Shahrukh on Red Silk Sheets:

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John Abraham, I knew you would be here for us.

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And in artsy black and white (Dabboo Ratnani, WHY ISN’T YOUR CALENDAR FOR SALE????)

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Sushant Singh Rajput isn’t technically lying down in this photo, but I feel like it still fits the overall ethos, right?

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Arjun Kapoor, same pose.

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Here, have one more Arjun, so you have an idea of the kind of situation I am picturing.

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While we are talking Arjuns, shall we check out the mature version of Arjun, Arjun Rampal?  None of these photos are quite right, but then on the other hand they aren’t quite wrong either.

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(The “Hi!” watermark just brings it to another level)

I like how he is shyly looking down here, while still slightly posed in an open manner.

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And here he is with coffee for us.

Image result for arjun rampal photoshoot


Hrithik, I just feel like he is resisting here, he doesn’t really want to lie down for us.

Image result for hrithik roshan body

This one, he’s not technically laying down, but I feel like he is giving more of a sincere “do what you will with me” vibe.  Also, ignore the floating Salman head.

Image result for hrithik roshan

I have no idea what’s happening in this picture.  But hey!  Young Salman!

Image result for salman khan young

Now, pretty sure that what is supposed to be happening here is exactly the kind of thing I am going for.  Thank you Shahid Kapoor!

Image result for shahid kapoor filmfare

Is it better in black and white and arty?

Image result for aditya roy kapoor shirtless


I think Ranbir might have gone a bit too far for me.

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He’s very bundled in this one, but I think I might like it better.

Image result for ranbir kapoor photoshoot

I’m not sure I like this one of Ranveer.  He is looking less trusting and open and more doubtful.

Image result for ranveer singh photoshoot

I don’t understand this pose at all.  Suniel‘s part of it makes sense, but why is that poor woman suffocating herself against a pillow?

Image result for sunil shetty shirtless

Speaking of the 80s-90s, here’s Jackie, young and dashing.

Image result for jackie shroff young

And with a lady as an accessory.

Image result for jackie shroff young

Akshay, even when lying down is maybe slightly too dominating for what we are looking Related imagefor, you know?



Vidyat Jamwal, I don’t think I’ve seen any of his films (although I saw the Commando 2 trailer over and over again for some reason), but this photo is so perfect, it’s like he is begging me to use it.

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Now, does the cigar add or remove from the effect I want with Siddharth Malhotra?

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And to end, as almost always, Dharmendra!

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The question is, which of these images most purely evoke the mood I am looking for? Just so you get an idea of the kind of pose I mean, here is Madhubala providing us with a classic one

Image result for madhubala time magazine


Once again, Shahrukh has to be out of the running because he is the clear winner, leagues ahead of the others.  But, removing him, who would be your top 3?  Or 4 or 5 or all of them, depending on how much time you have on a Friday afternoon!  Oh, and of course, if I missed a classic image, feel free to add it in the comments.

For me, I think I have to give the top slot to Shahid:

Image result for aditya roy kapoor shirtless

And then Vidyut

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And finally, Garam-Dharam:

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UPDATE FROM THE SOUTH:  There has been a complaint about the lack of southern flavoring.  I tried!  Really!  This is the best I could come up with for Nivin, which frankly isn’t great:


Angie suggested this photo for Tovino Thomas:

Image result for tovino thomas 5


Pretty good I guess, but still doesn’t change my top 3.

81 thoughts on “TGIF: Men Lying Down

  1. Oops — I happened to look at this while still in my lecture hall grading papers. Then I noticed the projector was still on. I think no one was walking by . . .


  2. I have my eyes only for Tovino this week, so he is number 1.
    Then black-and-white John, colourful Shahid, Vidyat (which I don’t even know) and Sushant. Special mention for Sunil.
    Ranbir’s photo in a hoodie makes me wanna say: get off my couch and leave. The one on the beach is not better either.


    • Vidyat is being very smart with his career. Like, I had to look up his name and learn the spelling just so I could use this photo, because I couldn’t NOT use it once I found it. More male actors should follow his lead! Just put a bunch of super sexy photos out there in the world, and the people will follow.

      I think your reaction to Ranbir in a hoodie is close to my reaction to Ranbir in anything.

      On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 2:55 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



    • Shahid does look a bit chilly, doesn’t he? Also, I like this game!!! Only I feel like at least one of these options has to be “myself!”

      On Akshay, a shirt, on Arjun some money for the coffee, on Dharmendra myself (Shahid I like aesthetically, but he doesn’t look as comfy to fall on).


  3. Arjun R. with coffee, Shahid in color, and Vidyut. I would normally pick Arjun Kapoor, of course, but it looks like he has man boobs in that first one and I don’t like his hair and look in 2 states that much.

    How about these two “lying down” images (well, actually, lounging menacingly really)

    and a classic…


  4. The first one is pretty good, but I don’t know if amitabh is capable of ever cooling down enough to sell a real “do what you will with me” vibe.

    Also, the way everyone identifies the Arjun photo has gotten me confused. Do you want arjun more, or the coffee? Or is the coffee a bonus?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shah Rukh always looks to me in this photo as though someone has just finished …tossing down her rose petals. And that a VERY good time was had by all! This is one of my all-time favorite ‘fantasy’ photos of SRK. One of the ones that, if I were to be packed off to hell for my thoughts, I’d consider it well worth it if I were allowed to take the photo along. It’s one of the main reasons I will always love Daboo Ratnani. He has a way of getting to the essence of all his subjects~but SRK first and foremost. He sees the basic innocence that underlies all the worldliness; the sense of humor; the deep understanding and appreciation he has for women and the ever-present tongue-in-cheek quality that make the man so damn hot. And he knows just how to get SRK comfortable enough to indulge his FEMALE fans. Somehow too many of the other BWood (and I know you all hate the term but I use it fondly) guys look more like they’re posing for gay porn than trying to please women.
    That said, and accepting your very accurate assessment that only after granting SRK his due as Sex God of all the Universes (Louboutin spike shoes and red satin sheets, really…how could you have guessed something I never suspected about myself?) could anyone else be considered…I tried really hard to leave him out of the mix. Honestly, I did but…I got nothing. And may I say that after last week’s frightening speedo shot of Anil Kapoor I wanted to gouge out my eyes~but the satin sheets photo has redeemed you! Lots of fun~thanks for a fun Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are welcome! And yes, Dabboo gives greatly to us! If you didn’t notice, he also provided the John Abraham and the Siddharth photos.

      On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 10:25 PM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  6. My top three would be SRK, then hoodie Ranbir and glasses Arjun I’m really feeling the accessories today, (Speaking of which, does Salman have something on his nipple?)


  7. If not exactly lying down qualifies, then enjoy these:

    He would have leaned back further but the bench wouldn’t let him

    Rajamouli CLEARLY knows what the public wants but he makes it discreet

    Not exactly lying down and more clothes than I care for! boooooo!!!

    See, I knew you got lazy with Rana JUST because you don’t care for him enough!

    And I know you got lazy with Prithviraj too

    Yeah I know, too many clothes, BUT wait!

    Yeah, I KNOW he’s not lying down.. So what?? I’ll rotate the image.

    Rani demoing all the things you can do with a topless guy. Just rotate the image. I swear it works!!

    Me after spending too much time on this post:

    LOL Ok so here’s a cool you down picture for, you know, after!

    Liked by 1 person

        • Wait, how can you be a thoughtful woman? I thought Indian women only became “thoughtful” after marriage!

          Also, i showed this post to my co-workers and now i am kind of worried about being dinged for sexual harassment. Or at least creating a distracting workplace environment.

          Liked by 2 people

          • That’s a myth! Indian women are plenty thoughtful. As are plenty of Indian men. You just have to find someone that’s open to sharing thoughts. Plus, did you look at Prithviraj??? Just look at his…. eyes!!! Hard not to have thoughts after that!!!!

            Also, please don’t show your co-workers this! It WILL qualify as sexual harassment!!


          • Well, after that we locked the door and they took turns lying down on the floor so I could crack their backs. It’s not the most professional office.

            Also, I think after I showed them Dard-E-Disco that ship kind of sailed.


          • Oh but that’s what they’re doing at Facebook and Google offices too so it’s probably ok.

            Yeah, dard-e-disco probably set all kinds of ship sail for you at work!! I’m sure some of your co-workers judge you but they’re afraid if they let you know about it you won’t show them any more naked Indian moviestar pics! 😛


          • At Facebook and Google they get to actually meet SRK! Lucky people.

            Oh by the way, have you seen 24 yet? If yes, I have another recommendation for you. If not, what could possibly be more important in your life?


          • Well I’m kinda obsessed with the numbers thing right now. Hey, gimme your top ten Bollywood actors list. I’ll just do their numbers for comparison. Articles keep telling me Jon is top ten. I highly doubt that! just the current top 10 for bollywood for this decade.


          • I haven’t watched Moneyball so I do not get that reference. I don’t get baseball either. I should because I get cricket but I don’t. LOL

            Anyway, because I’m deep in numbers right now the one thing I can say emphatically is that BO collection is crazy inaccurate. It has to be the ticket pricing. Because I’m seeing a lot of films with low footfall figures making more money that some high FF films. That would be the multiplex tickets adding extra zeroes.

            Also, after you deduct the budget, some stars are doing very poorly. that’s why I want a top ten name list. I already have SRK, Salman, Amir, Akshay, Ajay, Varun. Who else is missing from this list? Should I add Saif? But he hardly works anymore. I’m looking at just Bollywood right now so Kangana and who else?


          • Ranbir and Ranveer. Not necessarily on top now, but they are the buzzed about ones, the ones you would want to dig into and see where they really are.

            And YES!!!! to the crazy inaccurate BO collection reports. This is why I have just given up on the Indian box office and only look globally. And even there I have to do all kinds of calculations to allow for inflated opening weekend tickets for Telugu films, per screen versus total, 5 day weekend releases, etc. etc. Spyder, if it isn’t terrible, is practically guaranteed a record release thanks to screen count, Telugu tickets, and a 5 day opening weekend. On a non-holiday weekend in America, meaning no big white people release to conflict with it.


          • I haven’t really checked for south films but i should be able to find footfall data for them too right?

            Yes, I already have Ranbir, ranveer and hritik on the list. I couldn’t even recall their names for the list!! LOL

            I guess I’ll just go with Kanagana for the top ten.

            I’m thinking I’ll rank them according to BO gross domestic, BO gross worldwide, net profits, footfalls and net losses only by decade averages.

            I did want to do one specifically for the ladies.

            I guess I want to see if the stars live up to their hype.


          • I have something else to compare them with. The Times Celebex index. Which looks at box office, media mentions, and brand endorsements. Different from what you are looking at, becuase it’s not directly related to film box office. But interesting for considering all the elements that make someone a “star” besides box office.



          • That’s like saying lets rank cricketers according to how much money they make outside of cricket!! LOL. You know Prabhas has exactly one endorsement to his name? That’s how skewed non-performance measures would be!


          • Well, it depends on what you are ranking. If you are looking at “who should I put on the cover of my magazine?”, then you just need someone who is being talked about a lot lately. Or if you are trying to figure out “who should be the spokesperson for my water filtration system” or “who would be impressive to perform at my daughter’s wedding”?

            Which I don’t think are the best measures at all! It feels like we are getting caught up in measuring the personal wealth/worth of the stars, rather than what they can actually contribute to the films and therefore to the industry as a whole.

            On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 12:19 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



          • except in an industry, the product should be the best measure. For example, the numbers are terrible for Ranbir. Should he have the same rank as say Ranveer who may have double the return on investment JUST because the latter isnt a kapoor and he thus does not have the advantages ranbir does including the costs incurred setting up his place in mumbai?? That’s actually something Ranveer shares with SRK– he’s had to build everything himself. A house in Mumbai is a huge achievement. renting in Mumbai is hard. Should someone who already had their family house there have the same rank as someone who saved up and worked for it?

            And contribution to industry wise- nobody can compare to the original kapoors and Amitabh. So everyone else that came later than them is useless if just contribution to the industry is concerned. BUT should that mean we should discount Kangana who makes female centric films on small budgets and hail Katrina as queen because the films she does item songs in contribute more to the industry though flop films?

            I’m just going to look at their day jobs and how good they’re at it. Just pure numbers. I’m going to include Shahid in the top ten because I can think of noone else 😛


          • Well, and also he gave us such great content for the very post upon which we are now commenting! We owe him something for that.


          • Hey, the black and white one was from his personal instagram! I think.

            On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 12:53 AM, dontcallitbollywood wrote:



  8. Pingback: TGIF: Happy Coffee Day! | dontcallitbollywood

  9. Pingback: 2017 DCIB Awards for DCIB Posts!!!! Best TGIF | dontcallitbollywood

  10. Pingback: DCIB Best of 2017! Nominees Are in, Now Pick Between These 15 TGIF Posts! | dontcallitbollywood

  11. Pingback: TGIF Index! Photos Photos Photos! | dontcallitbollywood

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