Every Indian Film on Netflix Described and Rated, UPDATE (thanks to AccessBollywood.net)

Accessbollywood.net does the real work of keeping this list updated, if you want a day by day update, subscribe to them.  But if you want my opinion and recommendation on every single one, read on.

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Hindi Film 101 One-Off: Thank you AccessBollywood.net for the Netflix List! I Am Stealing It To Write a Post

Do you know about the website accesbollywood.net?  It’s run by a very nice woman who reviewed my book, and is a friend of a friend through moviemavengal (moviemavengal=most socially competent and adventurous person I know!).  Anyway, one of the greatest things on the accessbollywood website is her updates of the Indian films available through Netflix.  I am going to steal her current list, because joyomama asked what I know about each film.  But please keep checking her site just in general, and specifically if you want to see a monthly update to this list!  Oh, and this is today’s Hindi Film 101 post, because it will give you basically a “watching list” of films to stream, which is an important part of learning about Hindi film.

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