Discussion Post: Which is the Best Sports Biopic?

All of a sudden after years and years of no biopics, they have become a plague on the Hindi industry in the past few years, especially sports biopics. So I am going to list out all the ones I can remember and describe their main themes, and we can decide which is the best one! Or at least, which you think is most interesting. And this will prepare us for the upcoming sea of more sports movies.

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Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want To Ask Me, the Last Day of 2018?

Well, this is a depressing way to end the year. Fever of 100 degrees according to my funky thermometer. Or, possibly, 98.6. Or 93. I am not good at taking my temperature. Anyway, distract me and give me something to do as I wait for my body to burn out illness like a self-cleaning oven.

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Malayalam HAPPY Movie Suggestion Needed!

I’ve got an extra day off next week and I want to get back into the swing of things, so I need a Malayalam film to review. BUT! I am also sick and depressed (my sister gave me her cold and Christmas is over)! I don’t want any of that “and then the rain falls over their shattered lives” Malayalam endings. HAPPY! HAPPY HAPPY! What is happy and also high quality and also I haven’t watched/reviewed it yet?

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Hindi Film 101: Why the Falling Box Office Isn’t the Fault of the 3 Khans

This is a Zero inspired post, but isn’t about Zero, or about Khan movies, it is about the difference between a wide release movie and a regular release movie and why all the eggs are increasingly going in the wide release basket. This is also one of many posts I have written on the same topic, never saying exactly the same thing. Which is kind of the point, the film industry is complex with multiple forces at work on it, I can write many different long posts talking about all the things that might affect box office beyond 3 actors.

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Boxing Day Games! Who is Your Perfect Movie Star?

Happy Day After Christmas/Salman’s Birthday/Boxing Day!!!! To help keep you entertained as you sneak glimpses of the internet on your phone, or to spark conversation as you giggle away with your girl cousins or middle-aged aunties, I will be providing quizzes/games all day. Starting with the most recent one, a quiz to discover who is your perfect star match!

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