Albie Dog Birthday Report Part 2! CAKE!!!!

I was going to give him cake later in the evening as a post-dinner dessert, like we usually do it for the Humans. And then I realized that would throw off his walk schedule, so I gave it to him with dinner. Anyway, he LOVED his cakes!

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DCIB Book Club Reminder/Announcement: Ranson’s Folly in TWO WEEKS (March 14), Emily of Deep Valley in ONE WEEK (March 7)

Time is confusing, isn’t it? But I think I have a solution. I can give us 2 weeks to read each book, if I announce 2 weeks in advance. Right? That’s how time works? BUT! I can have a book every week so long as I keep leapfrogging the announcements. Everything I pick is going to be super fast and light, but I still want to give 2 weeks so you have time to track down a physical copy if you want, or wait to read it until you are in the mood, or whatever.

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Saturday Small Talk: You Talk Trailers, Shahid Kapoor, and Whatever While I Run Errands

Happy Saturday! I gotta do a screenfree day. Not in some sort of general mental health way, but in a “my eyes feel like they are going to explode and I gotta give them a break” way. It’s not blogging, it’s this work week, I had to go nonstop all day every day, so I didn’t even get my usual little 5 minute breaks to walk around the room. Anyway, either I do something else today or my eyes are gonna fall out.

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Nephew Update Post! Because I Need to Cheer Myself Up!

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, that’s all. My hair is tangled and I can’t find a thing to fasten the end of my braid, so I can’t braid it and it is just going to keep getting tangled. And I started my work day by talking to my LEAST FAVORITE customer. On chat not on the phone, but still bad. And Albie Dog’s Adopt-a-versary gifts are delayed in shipping, so he won’t have any presents on the day itself. Oh, and worst of all, last night’s Columbo episode wasn’t very good. So, time to talk about babies and be happy!

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It’s Anupama Chopra’s Birthday, What Are Our Feelings About Her? Let It All Out

I feel like DCIB as a whole has Feelings on this topic. More Feelings than is, necessarily, logical and expected when talking about a film reviewer/writer. But that is why we come together, to share our Feelings-with-a-capital-F about topics that really make no sense to have feelings about.

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Amazing Real Life Fake Fiance Story That We MUST Make Into a Hindi Movie!!!! Starring Preity!

I just watched this amazing documentary, made by a TV producer/reporter who was completely conned by an evil doctor/boyfriend/person and fought back by turning their whole relationship (complete with home movies) into a TV special she hosted. Amazing real life story/heroine, that I want to turn into a movie so I can give it a happy ending.

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DCIB Book Club: Emily of Deep Valley or Ranson’s Folly? Heroic Boy Romance or Thoughtful Girl Romance?

Either of these is fine by me! I love Ranson’s Folly and am always ready for a re-read. And I have not yet read Emily of Deep Valley, but it gets amazing reviews and was specifically called out as a “perfect quarantine read”.

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