Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While God Prepares My Lawn!

Happy Saturday! Great news! It’s supposed to be super stormy all day today! And cleverly, I raked and mowed the front lawn yesterday. So now God will do the watering and stuff for me, and tomorrow I can plant my nice seeds. But here’s the problem: I don’t have the seeds yet. I want to do clover seeds which are all natural and easy to maintain and bees like them and stuff. But I haven’t had any luck finding them. So today, while God prepares the ground, I will drive around to garden centers looking for clover seeds for lawns. FUN!

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Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Reading and Watching and Thinking and Listening to the Week I Fix My Front Yard???

Happy Wednesday! I have this huge backlog of personal chores that I am happily working through now that I am healthy. Got my bangs trimmed and went grocery shopping yesterday, today I already started my laundry and washed the kitchen floor. And this weekend, I start the front yard spring clean up!

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Silly Sunday for Orthodox Easter/Varun’s Birthday! FanFic Version of the Resurrection Starring Varun, Sid M, Shraddha, Hema, and Amitabh (as God)

Good news! I’ve decided I’m not sick any more! I mean, I really am feeling a lot better. The only strong COVID symptom left is weird tiny muscle pains in my torso. Anyway, time to get back to Normal Life, starting with Silly Sunday FanFic.

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British Brackets! Thank You Britain for Giving Me So Much Dumb Soothing Content to Stream While I Nap! In Your Honor, a New Bracket Challenge!

Okay, I’m bored, and also lonely. Everyone from the Chicago Health Department to the nice general practitioner I had a telehealth session with says I am not contagious. But on the other hand, no one really knows anything so I want to be careful. Keep me company! And I am hoping that this will be a good discussion jumping off point so I can feel like there are other people in the world outside of my 5 rooms.

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Saturday Small Talk: Chat Away While I Resist the Urge to Do Things

Happy Saturday! What I WANT to do is my annual Easter sort and clean up the closets and organize the storage room and then load up my car and drive over to Goodwill and the Habitat for Humanity store donate it all. But what I will actually try to make myself do is sit on the couch and color my little pictures. Sigh.

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Another Reposted Ranbir Kapoor Post! Happy Wedding Ranbir!

Okay, sharpen your claws, build up the knives of resentment, stoke the fires of your class/gender anger, and let us focus all of that on the one perfect representation of every man who ever tried to tell you his pain was more important than yours, that his success is a tribute to talent and not privilege, that if we disagree with him it is just because we don’t have the depth to understand his thoughts. Take down Ranbir, and we can take down every patronizing boss, every bad boyfriend, every dumb colleague promoted over you, every person who looks at the world and only sees a mirror, not a window. Yes, our Ranbir Hate, in one great cleansing burst, will Save the World.

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