Monday Malayalam: Kammara Sambhavan (SPOILERS) History is Disgusting

Okay, spoiler time!  I am doing a separate SPOILER review not so much to avoid spoilers (it’s not exactly that kind of movie, the plot is so intricate you can’t spoil it entirely), as because the film is so complex, I needed a moment to deal with just the general themes and structure and ideas (the No SPOILERS post) before I could get into the details of what technically happens.

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Monday Malayalam: Kammara Sambhavam (No SPOILERS), Art That Disturbs Rather than Comforts

I made a very foolish decision and went to see this movie on Sunday night before getting up early on Monday. And on a full moon night. And then I got lost on the way home. It was a weird evening, is what I am saying, and that is even without watching this very very strange film.

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Bahubali Anniversary Post! Bahubali Remixed, Versions From Other Eras

Well, it’s the B2 anniversary today.  And I truly have NOTHING left to say about it.  I’ll be reposting my index of full coverage in case you want a trip through memory lane, but in terms of thematic analysis and so on, I am empty.  However, I can always write fanfic!!!!  So the best I can do for new content is remix the plot and set it in different eras.

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Thursday Telugu: Bhaagamathie, What Does a Woman Have to Do to Get Our Attention?

I can’t decide if there were too many twists or just the right amount of twists in this movie.  Either way, it is way more enjoyable to watch the film without knowing the twists in advance, so DON’T READ THE SPOILERS.

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Veere Di Wedding Trailer! My Hopes and Dreams for the Plot Based on the Plotless Trailer

You’ve all probably already said everything you have to say, but if you feel like repeating it all over again, here is this space!  Because I finally got around to watching the trailer, and now I can talk about it.

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Inspirational Songs! Just in Case You Need Inspiring

Mrs. Perfect mentioned that she is struggling with the agony of college decisions.  And it is also the end of exam season in India (I still don’t understand this concept, but I will accept that it exists).  Time for inspiring “Go and succeed and work hard and have a new challenge!!!!” post!

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Hindi Film 101: “Male Gaze” and “Female Gaze” in Indian Film, or Why John Abraham Keeps Taking His Shirt Off

This is an off-shoot of my post on misogyny/objectification/patriarchy, in the comments there was a discussion of whether or not men are objectified in Indian film, which got me thinking about the “male” and “female” gaze questions.

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Soothing Songs Post to Cool Us All Down

Hello!  Two comments sections got mildly heated this morning (well, heated for this website where everything is generally at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so going up to even 45 feels hot), so I want to put up a nice soothing post to calm us all down.  Mostly calm me down, because I hate replying to/reading semi-heated comments!  And also it’s Monday morning and my office is maybe the busiest it has been in 2 months.

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