Thinky Post: “Cancel Culture” versus “Boycott Culture”, US versus India

First, NO POLITICS!!!! Which is going to be hard, because basically all social media campaigns in India are supported by paid political agents. That’s not me being paranoid, that is a fact, and it is why no intelligent person should treat social media opinions on Indian issues seriously. Make up your own mind without regard to what social media is saying. But I am going to frame this discussion in a more general way, which allows for a bigger debate beyond politics. Mostly. (oh, and thank you Courtney for the idea!)

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Hindi Film 101: Social Media Stories and Truth

This is going to be a tricky discussion to start. My Dad just sent me a link to a fascinating story in the New York Times about a twitter hoaxster, and it played into a concern I have had for a while about how anonymous social media internet sources are used again and again as though they are unquestionable truth told to you by a friend. Oh, and remember, NO POLITICS. But I am very interested in social politics, if that makes sense? If you want to talk about gender issues or race issues, totally here for you. Just nothing related to specific political parties and how they use the internet.

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