Monthly Donation Reminder Post, Because I Just Ran Out of Money

I skipped reminding you for two months, and then last month I got an alert that my DCIB account was overdrawn $60, so I am reminding you all again so I don’t get in trouble for paying for things with money I no longer have.

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Donation Reminder/Request! Remember, Gratuity Means Gratitude!

It’s that time again, the time I remind everyone that it is a good thing to tip people who provide a service, even if that service is writing on the internet.

You give a dollar to the barista who makes you coffee every day, you can give a dollar once a month for the person who entertains and informs you every day.

Now, if reading that above statement made you feel guilty, there is a simple solution.  Just give me a dollar through one of the options below, and then you can stop feeling guilty.


The last two months, I did cute dog photos and a simple request for money.  Which I liked writing a lot more than long pleas for money, and which I am sure you enjoyed reading.  But, they do not in fact result in any money.  I got a few donations the first month, but that was in response to my car woes, not the donation post.  Last month, with the adorable photo of Dog Hazel in a blanket, I got ZIP!  ZERO!  No donations, no new patrons, nothing.  Those posts are much more pleasant to read which also, apparently, makes them easy to ignore.

So now I am back to the boring sturm and drang posts.  This is a reminder that I am a real person who is donating hours of labor and lots of money in order to entertain you.

If you appreciate what I do, then leave a tip. If you don’t tip, I will assume you don’t appreciate it and stop writing.  That’s how the world works, money goes in and product comes out.

Now, if reading the above made you feel scared, there is an easy solution. Just give me a dollar through one of the options below, and then you can stop feeling scared.


To help support my work, donate to the site, $1 or $2 or $20 or $200, however much you want.



If you want to set up a recurring payment, then you can do that through Patreon:


Or, of course, you can always Buy My Book!  Which gets me no real money, but makes me feel appreciated:

Please Donate to the Blog So I Can Buy Treats for Dog Hazel



If you want Dog Hazel to have treats, drop a donation through Paypal.


To help support my work, donate to the site, $1 or $2 or $20 or $200, however much you want.



If you want her to have treats this month and next month and the month after too, you can set up a recurring donation through Patreon.

Become a Patron!



If you want Dog Hazel to be treat-less and miserable forever, you can ignore this post.


(this was going to be a light silly donation request post, but I now officially need to buy a new car, and I also still need to pay for the repairs that were not enough to save the old car.  And rent a car for the next few weekends to be able to see new movies.  So any donation would be appreciated even more than it usually is!!!!)