It’s Manju Warrier’s Birthday! In Her Honor, a Brief Summary of the Strangest Darkest Film Industry Scandal in History

Now, remember, I am NOT an expert on Malayalam film industry. I’m just a beginner. So this is going to be a summary of “this is what I have heard, but I don’t know if it is true”. However, I do want everyone to read it anyway. Those who know what I am about to say so you can correct me and provide gobs more background. Those who don’t so you can get a baseline for how very messed up a film industry can get.

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Monday Malayalam: Kammara Sambhavan (SPOILERS) History is Disgusting

Okay, spoiler time!  I am doing a separate SPOILER review not so much to avoid spoilers (it’s not exactly that kind of movie, the plot is so intricate you can’t spoil it entirely), as because the film is so complex, I needed a moment to deal with just the general themes and structure and ideas (the No SPOILERS post) before I could get into the details of what technically happens.

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Monday Malayalam: Kammara Sambhavam (No SPOILERS), Art That Disturbs Rather than Comforts

I made a very foolish decision and went to see this movie on Sunday night before getting up early on Monday. And on a full moon night. And then I got lost on the way home. It was a weird evening, is what I am saying, and that is even without watching this very very strange film.

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Megham: One of Those Movies Where Everything Clicks Once You Find the One Character You Care About

What an interesting movie!  I mean, of course it’s an interesting movie, it’s a Priyadarshan comedy.  There’s more human tragedy and quiet despair in a Priyadarshan comedy than in a whole Sanjay Leela Bhansali epic.

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Chandrettan Evideya: Billed as a Comedy about Infidelity, Actually a Comedy about Reincarnation!

This was a so-so movie.  Unless I am missing some deeper level.  But I am pretty sure it just made its way onto my list because of Namitha Pramod, no deeper reason.  It’s a fine movie, with a couple of original ideas, but that’s kind of it.

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