Friday Classics: Hum-Tum! A Couple that DOES NOT Fall in Love At First Sight

This is a movie that came out right when I was first getting in to Indian film, and I really liked it. It hasn’t held up super well as the years have gone by, but it is still fun and the central performances are still great. Even if the ending is a wee bit silly.

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Carrie Fisher Post: Videos To Remind You of Her

Carrie Fisher died, as I am sure we all know.  Which is sad, but doesn’t have much of a connection to Indian film, so it falls a bit outside of my area of expertise.  I can tell you that I will always love her for her amazing guest appearance on 30 Rock.  And I can also tell you that she was so embedded in film history that multiple films she is connected with have somehow traveled across to India.

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Happy Day After Labor Day/Fall!!!

Happy Day After Labor Day!  An odd holiday, most other places celebrate it in May, but in America we do things differently.  It’s also our unofficial end of summer/beginning of Fall holiday.  Schools start after Labor Day, you aren’t supposed to wear white (white is a “summer” color) after Labor Day, everyone has their last cookout and then puts the grill away for the year.  Which means today is the beginning of my favorite season, Fall!

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