Crew Zoom Discussion! Sunday or Saturday Night!!!! 7pm Chicago time! Email if You Want the Link!

You know how sometimes you schedule things in your head and forget to schedule them in the Real World? I had it in my head that we would do a Zoom discussion of Crew this weekend but I totally forgot to put it out into the universe.

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Crew Review (SPOILERS): More A Series of Events Than a Plot, But Fun!

I don’t want you to spoil yourself on this movie, because there’s a whole lot of twists and things that aren’t in the trailer. But I DO want you to spoil yourself on this movie because there’s some bits where it feels like our heroines are doing the wrong thing, and I want you to know that it’s okay.

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Week Roundup: I’ve Been Gone! What Have I Missed???

Happy Tuesday! It’s a week and one day since I last posted! I went on vacation and did NOTHING very aggressively. I went to a different coffee shop every morning and read my book for over an hour, then wandered around until I found a place to eat lunch, then wandered some more until I found a place to sit and finish my book, then went back to my hotel room to start a new book. 4 books in 4 days! The perfect break. Oh, and also a pedicure, a massage, acupuncture, and a Psychic reading, just for fun. And I bought hair dye and used the hotel shower to re-dye my hair. So you can see, I was very very busy with no time for blogging.

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