Monday Morning Questions Post With a Question For You! Who Do You Just Not Find Appealing?

Happy Monday!  Another week with a good discussion question (I hope!) for you all to answer!  Along with, of course, asking me any questions you may have for me.

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Global Box Office: Agnyaathavaasi and Spyder, Second Verse Same as the First

Can I cackle with glee at being correct, while still being depressed that the box office hasn’t sprung back?  I think I can!  Especially because the box office is bright depending on where you look.

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Attarintiki Daredi: Nadhiya Continues to be the Best

I saw Nadhiya before in Mirchi, and was stunned by how the “mother” actress was so much more beautiful and interesting than the love interests.  That is even more true in this film, to the point that it is almost acknowledged in the script, that Pawan Kalyan was more interested in bringing his aunt home, than in spending time with her daughter who he professed to be in love with.

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