Weekend WatchAlong: Kuch Naa Kaho is Finally Streaming! When Can We Watch It????

I think only FilmiKudhi and I will be super excited about this, but we will be VERY excited! Kuch Naa Kaho is a minor but enjoyable rom-com from the 2000s which has not been available anywhere but einthusan for ages. And now it’s for rent! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! We can do a WatchAlong!!!

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Wednesday Watching Post: What Are You Reading and Watching and Thinking and Listening to Easter Week?

Happy Wednesday! And Happy Short Work Week to ME! I’m taking Friday off because of my annual Easter tradition of flipping my house over to summer. And yes, it may snow next week, but I don’t care, I am putting all my sweaters in the cedar chest and getting out the sundresses! I will FORCE summer to come! And I have a whole three days to clean and re-organize and make it happen.

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Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me as I Watch Other People Clean My House?

Happy Monday! And Happy Cleaners Day! I’ve had these lovely ladies in once a month for over a year now and I have almost mastered not feeling like a bad person. I have the money, there’s nothing morally superior about doing your own cleaning (no matter what my crazy Germanic ghost ancestor ladies are screaming at me), and it makes SUCH a difference to know that at least once a month my floors will be scrubbed, stove top cleaned, etc. etc.

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Week Roundup: I’ve Been Gone! What Have I Missed???

Happy Tuesday! It’s a week and one day since I last posted! I went on vacation and did NOTHING very aggressively. I went to a different coffee shop every morning and read my book for over an hour, then wandered around until I found a place to eat lunch, then wandered some more until I found a place to sit and finish my book, then went back to my hotel room to start a new book. 4 books in 4 days! The perfect break. Oh, and also a pedicure, a massage, acupuncture, and a Psychic reading, just for fun. And I bought hair dye and used the hotel shower to re-dye my hair. So you can see, I was very very busy with no time for blogging.

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Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me the Week I Go ON VACATION????

I am SO excited! I am going to a place that is not-home to do things that are not-work for 4 whole days! Oh, and also a place that is not-winter. I got a hotel room with a balcony across the street from a park, and I’m planning to go straight from the airport to a Barnes and Noble and load up on books. And that’s it, that’s the extent of my vacation planning. Park, balcony, books, sunshine. And NOT packing my laptop so I won’t even be tempted to work. Although I am hoping to write some blog posts either on my phone or on a library computer or something.

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Thinky Post: Should Mothers Be Held to a Different Standard?

Netflix is releasing an Indira Mukerjea documentary, the Lori Vallow and Ruby Franke stories are still big news in America, and so far as I can tell from looking at international true crime, anything involving a mother harming her child for her own gain is big news everywhere. Why is that? And is that justified?

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