Koffee With Karan: Shweta and Abhishek

I’m trying to catch up on Koffee. It’s hard, because you know how detailed I like to be in my discussions! And this is probably going to be another detailed one. But then, it was also a really interesting episode. I can always hope the others are dull and then it will be easy to write about them.

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Sonam Wedding Part 2: The Big Day! Amitabh is There

More photos!  And Ranveer finally makes an appearance.  Question, how horrible is it for Dips to be in America at the Met Gala while her boyfriend’s cousin is getting married?  Is that like an acceptable thing for a girlfriend to do, pick a work event over a family wedding?  If the wedding is just your boyfriend’s cousin?

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Karan’s birthday party looks awesome!

Normally I’d try to fluff this post up with some other new-news, but I’m not even going to bother!  It’s all about the party!

(That photo up above isn’t from the party, it’s from the Royal event a few months back.  But don’t they look handsome?)

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