Alert! Alert! Hrithik Has a New Beard Look!!!!

So I was instagram browsing and I ran across Hrithik! In black and white, with a beard. He has some kind of new brand thing? I don’t know, but it’s a great look.

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TGIF Annual Holiday Season ReRun: Men in Beards! Like SANTA!!!

It’s the annual (and sometimes other random times in the year) treat!!!!!  Men in Beards!  For Christmas!  Like SANTA!!!  Yes, I know it isn’t Christmas yet, but I just barely managed to finish my Delhi 6 review at work and I still have to do blechy end of month work stuff today, so you are going to have to be happy with a TGIF rerun (although there’s a couple new photos).  If you want something new, check out Fawad’s Birthday Post.

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TGIF: For Easter, Have Some Hot Indian Jesus Pictures!

Happy Good Friday!  I am celebrating by seeing Arjit Singh live tonight (WOOT!!!!).  But I don’t want to totally ignore the massive religious celebration going on all over the world.  So, in honor of Jesus, let’s look at some hot men.  Who kind of look like Jesus (as presented in American pop culture).

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Happy Aamir Week! Raja Hindustani, and Aamir With a Beard!

Dangal is opening 2 days early in America, yaaaaay!  So this is my second to last Aamir post, and I get to start Salman week 2 days earlier than I thought I would!  Also yaaaaay!  Since I am getting close to the end, I’m going to pull out a nice interesting movie, Raja Hindustani!

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