Sridevi Birthday Post: Who is Your Favorite Female Star and Why?

It is inarguable that Sridevi was the greatest female star India will ever see. Dominating every major industry simultaneously, and making it look easy. But there are other female stars too! Let’s pick our favorites.

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Starter Kit: Actresses, Part 3, Soha to Lisa

I’m continuing to crank through the small time actresses, the ones who only need a few movies to fully understand their careers.  Because it’s a lot easier than trying to deal with the male stars and their longer careers, or the handful of super successful actresses (sorry Rani!  I’ll get to you someday!) (last small time actress post here)

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Starter Kit: Actresses, Part 2, Neetu to Diana Penty

I already put up one random actress post based on the first people I remembered off the top of my head. This time I want to bring together a whole bunch of random smaller actresses that I can cover quickly.  With some fairly random suggestions of films you could watch to get an idea of them, since all their films are kind of the same, one film is as good as another.  This should kind of fill in the background players of the industry, the minor artists who help bring it all together. Continue reading