Friday WatchAlong: Kapoor & Sons! At 3pm Chicago Time, Right Here!

Yaaaaaay, Friday WatchAlong on FRIDAY!!!! I’m excited!!!! And a movie I have only seen once. Because I hated it.

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10 Movies to Start Discussions About Family

Is anyone here interested in those “shades of gray” characters with moral problems related to violence and the greater good and blah blah blah? no, right? Conversations about right and wrong after those movies are booooooooooooooring. But! How about a movie about right and wrong between the prodigal son versus the caregiver child? Oh yeah, that’s the stuff, that’s the thing that can set off the deep long conversations.

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Worst Actor of 2016 is the Only One Capable of Actually Ruining a Movie

I went back and forth on this one.  I really really wanted to do Nargis Farkri, because she drives me crazy, but that didn’t seem fair.  Because she was kind of set up to fail in her movie roles, with a bunch of characters that never made sense and no real direction, so she was left to sort of pouting her way through the part as best she could.  No, I want to give it to someone who had a good script backed role and failed to manage it. (did that header trick you into thinking it might be Kat?  No!  She actually did a pretty good job in her movies this year)

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Global Box Office: As expected, Kapoor and Sons Does Well

Kapoor and Sons opened in Pakistan!  What the heck?  A movie with a gay main character is allowed to play, but Neerja isn’t?  I guess it really is about patriotism, not religion.  Or else Karan’s clever avoidance of actually using the word “gay” (or boyfriend or homosexual or anything else specific) paid off.

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Kapoor and Sons: Full Summary Part 1 (SPOILERS, of course)

I’ve already put up to reviews, one short spoiler-less one and one that goes into detail about the character development and so on with loads of spoilers.  And now I am going to see if I can manage my usual extremely detailed scene by scene breakdown.  Not sure how it will go with this film, because it is so loose and experimentally structured.

(Final part of summary, with ending, here)

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Kapoor and Sons Review (No Spoilers!)

I saw Kapoor and Sons last night, and it was definitely different.  Not-Indian in a lot of ways, mostly stylistic, and very Indian in other ways, mostly family structure.  Although, at some point, this family stuff turns into just basic realities of human nature, it’s just that Indian film is the only industry that really highlights these kinds of things.

(if you want another perspective, check out the review by moviemavengal)

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Various Authorized non-FanVid Song Videos: Kapoor and Sons, Ki and Ka, and Dilwale

Karan just released yet another Kapoor and Sons song video on his twitter this morning, and there have been a whole bunch of other song video releases I didn’t even notice (because Karan didn’t tweet them), but I should really talk about.  Because it’s almost Cricket season, authorized song videos are going to be all we have to entertain us for a while.

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Kapoor & Sons First Look!!!

Karan tweeted the first Kapoor and Sons poster today!  That seems so fast!  I can still remember when it was just a rumored production!  I think I must be getting old, I remember back in the day when Happy New Year was announced it felt like For. Ever. before the first look came out.  Oh wait!  That was just a couple years ago!  Yeah, I’m not getting old, this movie turned around in production super fast!  Well, fast for a high profile big budget release.

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