Happy 4th of July! Let’s Celebrate, Indian Film Style

Happy 4th!  Those of you who donate to me on Patreon (you could join them!  Just go here) should have gotten a lovely card, and also should have gotten a card for Father’s Day last month (let me know if you didn’t!).  For the rest of you, I will give you a digital card in the form of this post.

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It’s My Sister’s Birthday Today! A Special Theme Post!

I was trying to think why 7/12 was sticking in my mind as an important birthday, what famous actor/director/composer was born today?  And then I realized, my sister was born today!  So, I’m just going to do a post of really nice sister songs.

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Happy 4th of July! Let’s Look at the Most American of Indian Songs!

Happy 4th of July!  I am celebrating by locking my doors and fervently ignoring the massive celebration going on at the end of my street.  It’s just so hot!  And crowded and loud and blech!  Instead, I am going to have a little song festival of American-themed Indian movie songs.  As always with these posts, if I missed one you like, just mention it in the comments!

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