Friday WatchAlong: SHAHRUKH MONTH!!!!!! Yes Boss To Start Us Off! 3:30pm Chicago Time!!!!

SHAHRUKH MONTH!!!! I am SO ready for it this year!!!!! Starts tomorrow, I don’t even know for sure what I am going to be doing, but I know inspiration will come upon me and it will be MAGNIFICENT. Also, usually I say “don’t worry, there will be non-SRK content too”. This month, I MAKE NO SUCH COMMITMENT!!! DCIB could very well become an all-SRK/all the time sort of place for the next 30 days. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it 🙂

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Month of SRK: 8 SRK Movies To Learn His Life Story

Thanks for the suggestion Emily! Shahrukh (as most celebrities/actors do) has used his real life trauma to support his performances and promote his films. Which also means we can easily find 8 movies to watch if you want to get a sense of the emotional journey of the “real” SRK!

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Happy 28 Days to SRK’s Birthday! 28 SRK Romances, Part 2

I just thought this would be an interesting experiment, to take a brief look at 28 different films in terms of the romance plots.  and then try to come to some conclusions.  I did the first 7 already, now let’s look at another 7.

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