Monday Morning Questions: What Do You Want to Ask Me As I Am Finally Recovered From a Cold? Also, Happy New Year!

Happy Monday! I spent the second half of last week with a cold, able to do a full day of work-work but with no energy for anything else. But I slept and slept and slept all weekend, and now I am perky and ready to blog again!

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Saturday WatchAlong: Signature Move! 8:30am Chicago Time Saturday!

I’ve decided to be totally selfish. I’ve been wanting to see Signature Move for ages, and I like watching movies on Saturday mornings. And it’s only 90 minutes, so even if no one else shows up, I will be happy talking to myself for 90 minutes (more than that and it gets weird).

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Sunday ReRun: Loins of Punjab, Still the Best Movie on the Indian-American Experience; At Least, in New Jersey

I just watched this movie for the 4th time, and it is still So. Good!  And such a hard sell!  I’ve seen it 4 times partly because people will only watch it if I sit next to them and force them to.  Because the title alone really isn’t enough to sell it.

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News Round-Up: Shashi Aftershocks

I know it seems like I’ve done way too many Shashi posts, but he is the only news right now, the biggest news right now.  Because in the Hindi film fraternity, a death like this has an impact beyond just grief, there is a process to it that dominates everything for a few days.

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Silly Sunday Post: Wholesome! Family Film Options

It has come up every once in awhile that there aren’t as many really family type films as their used to be.  And it has also come up that the past few Sundays have been extremely sexy.  So, no sex!  Just fun family times this week!  Which probably means my view count will suffer, but oh well. (if you want sex, you can check out last week’s post)

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Loins of Punjab: Seriously, SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE TITLE!!!!

I just watched this movie for the 4th time, and it is still So. Good!  And such a hard sell!  I’ve seen it 4 times partly because people will only watch it if I sit next to them and force them to.  Because the title alone really isn’t enough to sell it.

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