I’m Feeling Rumply! Let’s Have a Post of Non-Rumply Things

Blegh, weird sort of upsy-downsy day. Nothing really wrong-wrong, just rumpled feeling, you know? So I am going to medicate myself with non-rumply things.

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Everyone is Talking At Me At Work! Here is a Post of “Lower Your Blood Pressure” Songs

I’m the customer support supervisor at work, which means I get my own office and a window (oooo!), but also I get to take the really complicated phone calls. And it has not been a good day for phone calls. Or maybe, it has been a good day for phone calls? What I am saying is, I have been on the phone straight through for the past 5 hours and it is beginning to get a bit stressy. I’m supposed to also do a bunch of really urgent work things, and I’d like to actually respond to your comments on the blog, plus personal emails and stuff, but that’s not going to happen today. Also lunch, lunch is not going to happen. I’ve been trying to eat an apple for 5 hours, and I’m still only two bites in.

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Soothing Songs Post to Cool Us All Down

Hello!  Two comments sections got mildly heated this morning (well, heated for this website where everything is generally at 40 degrees Fahrenheit, so going up to even 45 feels hot), so I want to put up a nice soothing post to calm us all down.  Mostly calm me down, because I hate replying to/reading semi-heated comments!  And also it’s Monday morning and my office is maybe the busiest it has been in 2 months.

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Happy Birthday Aish! My 12 Favorite Songs

Aish is not my favorite actress ever, or my favorite public persona person.  But on her birthday, I am going to follow a “if you can’t say anything nice…” policy, and just focus on her dancing, which is incredible.  She shows both Bharat Natyam training, and a really good ability to sell a dance onscreen.  So here are my 12 favorite Aish dances. (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

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Silly Sunday Speculative Post: After the Happy Ever After

I don’t know why, but I am feeling very contrary today.  I have this strange desire to take light things and turn them dark, and dark things and turn them happy.  Thank goodness I can work it out through fanfiction instead of going to the park and throwing things at pigeons.

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For Akshaye’s Birthday Week, Taal! Not a Very Progressive Film

I think this might be the film where I first heard the “An Indian woman loves only once” truism.  Which has now been unpacked and questioned and turned upside down and all sorts of interesting things done to in other films.  Heck, interesting things were already done to it by the time this film came out!  But not in this movie.  Nope, in this movie, your lifetime singular devotion goes along with your virginity and whatever man gets one, gets the other.

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Happy Birthday Akshaye Khanna! Better Late Than Never

If I say it’s been crazy busy at work lately, will that excuse me missing Akshaye’s birthday?  Or is that a weak excuse?  I was tempted to just ignore it entirely, but then I found the time and I thought “better late than never”.  So, here are 12 reasons I love him, plus one extra to make up for being late!  And they are mostly performances, because he is a very private person.

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Sick Day Songs

I’m still sick.  Way too sick to deal with anything emotional or challenging like a post about a movie, or even gossip news or box office.  Instead, I am sitting around listening to super soothing songs.  Just in case you are ever this sick (and I hope you aren’t!  This is terrible!), I’ll share my play list with you.

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