Dabboo SRK Photo! To Cheer Me Up!!!!

Good morning! Thank goodness, SRK is here for me. And also Emily, who linked to this photo.

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TGIF: Silliest SRK Photoshoot Photos, to Cheer Us Up. Plus, Poetry!

Well, I got no sleep, and it is overcast today, and I am very much looking forward to finishing work, going home, leaving again, going to a movie, and then falling into bed for about 20 hours.  In the meantime, to keep me going, I am going to post the silliest SRK Photoshoot Photos I can find.  And please feel free to post more in the comments if you can find them. (down a line, past in the url of the photo, down another line)

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Silly Sunday: Happy Birthday Sanjay, Here is My Best Sanjay FanFic EVER

Sorry sorry sorry!  Yesterday just completely wiped me out (22 guests is too many guests, especially when one of them has severe dementia and 4 of them are small children).  So I literally have not left my bed all day, and every time I try to think straight and come up with a brilliant fanfic, it all just sort of floats away from me.  So I am doing a reprint and failing you, my faithful readers.  Oh well, at least it is a really good reprint, based on Daboo Ratnani photos and Sanjay Dutt and his dog. Continue reading

Dabboo Ratnani 2018 Report!

Okay, there are a few images beginning to filter out of the calendar-that-isn’t-a-calendar.  For newbies, Dabboo is the biggest celebrity photographer.  And every year, he gets together with his celebrity friends and shoots a calendar.  24 images, which are revealed at a party in January, and then 24 copies of the calendar are made and given to the models.  That’s it, you can’t buy it, and the images aren’t made available to the public.  Except through illegal fuzzy reprints that slowly leak out on the internet over the course of the next 24 hours.  Which is their purpose, to be leaked so we all know Dabboo’s name and he gets publicity.  Dabboo Dabboo Dabboo.

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Happy 14 Days to Shahrukh’s Birthday! Countdown Day 3!

I’ve down my 16 favorite videos, and my 15 favorite fanvideos.  How about 14 favorite photos?  That seems reasonable, right?  It’s just now hitting me that I have committed to coming up with a new thing to countdown every day.  This is going to be harder than I thought!

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Dabboo Ratnani’s annual Calendar that isn’t a Calendar!

It’s out!  As always, launched with a big party at a gallery.  Full pictures available here (well, full pictures of the photos in frames at the gallery.  Not the actual photos.  As will be discussed below).  I will definitely be updating my computer wallpaper to the image above when I get home.

And as always I wonder, what the heck is the deal with this “calendar”?!?!?

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