I Found A Weird Old Book on Vacation! Enjoy this Vision of 1933 Womanhood!

There is a tiny bit of this post that is India related, but mostly it’s just Weird Old America related. Enjoy!

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Hindi Film 101: High Concept, Low Concept, Genres, Male Versus Female Criticism, and Western Versus Indian Film

Thank you Reflects on Life and MKP and Popka Superstar for encouraging me to write this post! It’s probably not exactly what you pictured (nothing ever is, life is a series of disappointments), but at least it’s kind of getting at it.

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Ten Indian Films to Start Feminist Discussions!

This is NOT “Ten Feminist Films”, because that’s a wee bit subjective.  And it’s also NOT “Top Ten”, because that’s a way bit subjective.  Instead, these are just ten films that bring up interesting discussions around gender.  If you ever want to have a real downer of a movie night, you can show these and then make people discuss.  Feel free to add on your own options both for films and discussion questions in the comments!!

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Hindi Film 101: Kangana’s Coup D’Etat and Why Closed Doors Increase Creativity

I finally found out how to spell “coup d’etat”!  Thanks to a comment, because spellcheck and google certainly weren’t going to help me.  As my German teacher used to tell me, French is a silly language where nothing is spelled the way it sounds.  To the degree that I can’t even get close enough to google it.

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The First Problem with Shahrukh Khan: Feminism Doesn’t Mean Treating Women as Your Special Pets

There are two reasons I want to write this post.  First, I’m concerned that my fandom for Shahrukh may be seen as blinding me to his flaws and thereby lowering the power of my analytical voice in general.  Second, I’m concerned that there is a growing chorus of criticism of things that are NOT his flaws which are obscuring the real problems in two areas: his issues as a representative of women in India, and his issues in selling the audience on his recent films.  This also, by the way, doesn’t mean that I think he is a bad actor or a bad person, it is just pointing out that I am not blind and aware he does have faults.

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Shahrukh at Davos: Speech and Interview, Focus on Equality and Courage

Davos videos are out!  Have been out for like a day now, but I am a baaaaaaad Shahrukh fan and just got around to watching them now.  Anyway, let’s talk!  Because I am guessing some of you have already seen them, or plan to see them. (for background on what Davos is and what it does, go to this post here)

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Feminism Versus Feminist Film Criticism

This is a post that has been burbling around in my brain for a while, and I thought I might as well just post it.  Plus, it’s been a while since I put up one of those posts that gets everyone talking and angry with me/aggressively agreeing with me.

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Baahubali 2 Review (No SPOILERS): Baahubali 1 Was Just the Overture, This is the Real Film

Just got home, haven’t really replayed it over in my head yet, still trying to shake out everything I saw and how it all fit together.  But I think I can at least give you some things to think about while you are watching it for the first time.

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Happy Dear Zindagi Week! Grand Finale (I hope)! Chak De, India!

Saved the best (and also most obvious) for last!  When you talk about Shahrukh supporting and encouraging and teaching young women, it’s all about Chak De, India.  But, why is he doing it?  Both his character in the film Chak De, and in real life by taking this role opposite Alia in Dear Zindagi?

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