Shahrukh Birthday Countdown, Dil To Pagal Hai! For Yashji’s Birthday!

Well, the timing worked out perfectly on this one! I was all set to go 2-3 movies ahead to get to a Yashji film, and it turns out it was just about time for one anyway.

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Happy Chocolate Day!!! Movie Stars and Their Chocolate Spirit Animals

Happy Chocolate Day! I am celebrating by not having chocolate because there is none in the house (the TRAGEDY!!!). So instead I will have virtual chocolate by trying to match Indian movie stars with their ideal chocolate treat.

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Wednesday Watching: What Are You Watching and Reading and Thinking and Listening to on Madhuri Week?

Happy Madhuri Wednesday!!!! I have been having a weird week, I think I’m a little homesick. One more weekend to go before I get my apartment back, and I miss it. Or maybe I just miss my total alone time. Anyway, point is, weird week! Very much looking forward to our Friday movie, even more than usual, so I can kind of have a party with my friends without leaving my parents’.

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Friday WatchAlong: Which Madhuri Movie Should We Watch for HER BIRTHDAY????

Obviously on Madhuri’s day, it has to be a Madhuri movie. And luckily (?), there are limited Madhuri options on Netflix and Prime. I will try to describe the options and, possibly, allow my prejudice to struggle through. Oh, and there are some movies I just didn’t even include.

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Battle of the Champions: Which of These is the Worst Mother? Kapoor & Sons, Kalank, or Agneepath?

I am highly prejudiced of course (as everyone is on subjective things like parenting), but to me these are the absolute WORST mothers in recent Hindi film. Would you agree? And which is really the worst?

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