Chatty Check in Post: What Videos Have Made You Happy Lately? I Will Share Bhangra Snow Shovelers and Hanakkuh Puppies

Happy videos! Of all shapes and sizes! Doesn’t have to be Indian film related, just anything that has made you happy lately. My Dad just sent me a great one.

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DDLJ Youtube Video With Pardesi and ALBIE DOG!!!!

Pardesi/MovieMavenGal/My Friend reached out and suggested we do a youtube video talking about DDLJ for the anniversary today. And then Albie Dog decided he really really wanted to be involved too. So all three of us got together and talked about the movie.

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Hey! I’m on YouTube!

Want to see a really grainy photo of me getting excited and talking off the cuff about stuff? I am here for you! Pardesi/MovieMavenGal/My Real Life Friend invited me to be part of one of her youtube videos, we recorded it splitscreen through skype on my funky computer (thus the slightly poor video quality), but it let’s you see me get all excited about movie star gossip, and who doesn’t love that?

DCIB Community Anti-Isolation Plan! We are gonna totally hang out online!

I’m going out of town this weekend, weird timing I know but it’s a family thing that is worth doing no matter what. But starting next week, all home all the time and I am going to be going INSANE! As are many of you. So, I have a plan! Which will be constantly evolving as I think of other things, and as you suggest brilliant ideas. Really, suggest on this post, I’m open to anything. Heck, if we can figure out group video calling, I’m down for that.

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Hindi Film 101: A History of T-Series, the World’s Most Popular YouTube Channel

I just saw a little news article about Bhushan Kumar being facilitated for having the most popular channel on youtube.  Which I thought must mean “youtube in India”.  But, nope!  In the entire global youtube market, T-Series has the most viewers.  By several million. And it has the second most subscribers, on track to become the most subscribed within months.  How did we get here?  How did an Indian music and movie company become the most popular video streaming channel in the world?

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New YouTube Box Office Video! Check Out My Earrings!

Since Ticket pointed it out in the comments, now I am suddenly very aware of the large cardboard box in the corner.  Oh well, it’s worth it if it keeps the books my friend lent me in order and undamaged until I return them to her.  And also reminds me to finish them so I can get them back.  She let me the entire run of the Discworld Witches series!  That’s a big deal!  I shouldn’t forget.

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New Box Office Video! Sanju, Week 2

New video day!  So you can all admire how nice my braid looks.  My sister bought me the same hairbrush she uses, and it is sooooooo much better.  Brushing and braiding only takes half an hour now instead of an hour.  Oh, and Dog Hazel is there at the beginning, and then got bored and walked away to play with her wibble-wobble.

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New Youtube Video! Sanju Box Office, and I Look GREAT!!!!

Thank goodness, after my string of hot unhappy looking videos, I finally look good.  This is the video to share with people if you want to sell them on my channel!  Because, so pretty.  It’s really rainy here and I think the soft light, combined with my disgusting tangled hair (I went swimming a lot yesterday) and my nice new shirt ended up with a great look.  Oh, and my thoughts are good too.  But mostly, don’t I look pretty?  Instead of like I am about to die of heatstroke?

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Box Office Video! With Delightful Dog Whining in the Background

Sorry, didn’t realize the microphone was sensitive enough to pick it up.  I promise, I’m not torturing her, unless refusing to give her a second dinner just because she forgot she had the first dinner (she real dumb) is considered torture.  Oh, also box office discussion.

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Box Office Video. Because I Might As Well

Sun’s still out, I had a few extra minutes this morning, why not?  I also was up way too late last night, so my head-mouth-thinking is not ideal.  Look forward to a lot of moments when I get lost in my own head for a second and you can visibly see the wheels spinning as I try to get out of a thought rut.  Really, this post is a lot better.

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Another Video! Because the sun is out!

I woke up yesterday and went “hey!  What’s that strange brightness out my window?  Could it be SUNLIGHT???  For the first time in two weeks?” And then here’s the real miracle, the same thing happened today!!!!!!  So I took it as a sign that I should shoot as many videos as possible while I have light.  “As many as possible” meaning, one ten minute video in the morning before I leave for the day, only to return when it is already dark.

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New Youtube Video! Box Office

Be warned, the video quality is VERY VERY POOR.  My radiators turned on, which created a persistent hiss in the background.  I had to turn on a light because it was so overcast outside which gave a very odd and very unflattering light to it.  But at least my voice is good and strong, so you can always hear me.

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This Week’s Box Office Video

Mostly the same content as in this post, but in an easily digestible video format.  Plus, you get to watch me do my hair and see another part of my apartment!  Not for any particular reason, I was just running late this morning so I had to combine activities.

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