Friday Classics: Baghban, A Couple Who is Supposed to be Too Old to Love

Happy Friday! No new movie today (because of Bharat) which should give us loads of time to discuss this older movie.

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Friday Classics: Ghulam, No One is Past Hope of Redemption

I really love this movie. It was one of the early films I saw, one of the first movies I watched where I was told “this is an actual good movie”. And it is! It is an actual good movie! Not just a fun romance with something deep down below, but deep straight through.

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Friday Classics (on Saturday): Rehna Hai Tera Dil Main, Dia Mirza and Us All Fall in Love with Maddy

Finally watched it! After having heard about it for years and years and years and years (the soundtrack is everywhere). And I’m kind of glad I waited, because this way I got to come at it having already seen a bunch more Gautham Menon movies and having a bit more of an idea of what he does.

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Friday Classics: Baadshah Ho Baadshah! Shahrukh’s Wacky Comic Action Romance Detective Story!!!

This isn’t really a “classic”, but it sure is fun! And I am feeling like I want more “fun” in my life. Also, I was on the phone with my sister for 2 hours last night and I don’t have time to review a good movie (nothing terrible, we just simulwatched a bad movie over the phone because her husband is out of town)

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Friday Classics: Pinjar, The Simple Personal Version of Partition and Violence Against Women

I hope a lot of you watched this movie. It is worth watching, and it isn’t immediately intriguing. The filming and acting style is oddly stagey and direct, and the topic is hardly appealing. And yet, it has a power that no other film quite does.

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Friday Classics: Highway, the Darker Version of Jab Harry Met Sejal

This is a movie so powerful, and so frustrating, that I both can’t bring myself to rewatch it for this review, and don’t need to because I remember it so well. I hope some of you managed to watch it recently so you can join in the comments with your own impressions!

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Friday Classics: Deewar! The Best Movie Shashi Kapoor Was In

I’m just going to say it, Deewar is the best written film in the history of Hindi cinema. I did a mini-review of it related to the release of Raees, I am going to expand on that mini-review and try to give it the detailed discussion it deserves.

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Friday Classics: Hum-Tum! A Couple that DOES NOT Fall in Love At First Sight

This is a movie that came out right when I was first getting in to Indian film, and I really liked it. It hasn’t held up super well as the years have gone by, but it is still fun and the central performances are still great. Even if the ending is a wee bit silly.

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Valentine’s Week Review: Chameli Ki Shaadi! Anil and Amrita Reach Out for Love and What’s Wrong With That?

Thank you filmilibrarian for recommending this movie! It is a total delight! Because it was back in a time when couples were allowed to just be in love and get married without dragging the whole thing out and turning into a tragedy.

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Friday Classics: A Death in the Gunj, The Death of a Whole Way of Life

Well, this was a hard watch! That kind of thoughtless unmeaning hurt that happens all the time every day and there is no way around it. I am so glad I watched this first thing in the morning so I didn’t have to try to sleep with all that unpleasantness in my head! Oh, and it was also a very well-made and acted and filmed and written movie.

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Friday Classics: Raju Ban Gaye Gentleman, Shree 420 Meets the 90s

Yaaaay, another Shahrukh review!  See how I am sneaking them in under the guise of “Friday Classics” even now that Shahrukh Month is over?  Oh, and plus Juhi in a really nice role, for her birthday.  Although Aaina is a better Juhi movie, remember to watch it for this Sunday if at all possible!  It’s also a wonderful Amrita Singh movie, if this film makes you want more of her.

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Diwali Repost! Swades, Shahrukh Argues that Ram is Within Us All and We Should Save Ourselves

I think it’s one of those Big movies that I was avoiding, ones that are really good, and I also really like and I want to be careful to explain why I like them in a way that makes you like them too, not just appreciate their quality.

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Diwali Repost! Lajja, Telling Sita’s Story From Multiple Directions

This movie is just barely a classic. It’s not the best, it’s got quite a few massive flaws in fact, but it’s still really interesting and worthy of discussion. And the best part is how well it shows women rescuing themselves, very appropriate for today’s discussion.

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