IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!! How Should the Kapoor Men Be Listed Top to Bottom in Sexiness?

I promised you an All Happiness day, right? What could be happier than objectifying men in a feminist act of subverting gender power dynamics!

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News Round-Up: Life Goes On! Brahmastra is Delayed, Salman Makes a Bad Business Decision, and Amitabh Makes Us Cry

News round-up! This is mostly because Brahmastra made me laugh and laugh and laugh. Oh, and because I have a new commenter getting to know Amitabh, and it reminded me that he is a combination of rawly emotional and very very restrained in his public appearances.

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Discussion Post: If a Genie Gave You Only One of These Wishes, Which Would You Pick? (Or, Would You Rather Karan Gets Married, or Alia Doesn’t?)

No, you can’t wish for infinite wishes! Genie’s are sick of the little smart aleck kids who say that. You can only have ONE wish, and it is strictly Indian film related, and here are your choices. Be warned, they are HARD!!!!

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Ritu Nanda, Daughter of Raj Kapoor, Sister of Rishi Kapoor, and Mother-in-Law of Shweta Bachchan, Has Passed Away

Ritu was related to a lot of famous public people, but was not a public person herself. I don’t want to reveal too much of her life which (by choice) she kept private. But I want to point to how she affected those around her who have chosen to lead a public life.

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Worst Ranbir Kapoor Film of the 2010s, Poll Post

Seems like, along with being an unofficial SRK fansite, we have also become an unofficial Akshay Kumar/Ranbir Kapoor anti-fan site. And I’m kind of okay with that, whatever makes us happy. Anyway, to go along with the “worst Akshay film of the 2010s”, we must also consider “worst Ranbir film of the 2010s”.

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Silly Sunday: Little Women as a Dark Romantic Drama! Laurie is Evil and Amy is Gay

Thanks Alisa! You saw the new American Little Women and complained about it which inspired me to rethink my Indian remake (already wrote it once here) when you suggested that one of the Little Women should get herself a Little Woman.

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Hindi Film 101 Repost: Katrina Kaif, Mystery Woman

I wrote this about 6 months ago, but I want to repost it now in context with the other actress 101s I have been doing. Just in case you missed it 6 months ago, or in case you read it and want to come back to it with fresh eyes, comparing her with Vidya, and Anushka, and Deepika.

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News Round-Up: Pick Your Most Wanted YRF Film, Brahmastra Delayed Again (SHOCKING!), and Ayushmann in a Dharma Production

I started out with 8 news stories, and then I actually read them, and they all turned out to be bland and blah. Even these aren’t super exciting, but if PR departments care enough to float stories and watch the response, the least we can do is respond.

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Hindi Film 101: Ranbir Kapoor, The Physical Embodiment of Young Male Privilage

Okay, sharpen your claws, build up the knives of resentment, stoke the fires of your class/gender anger, and let us focus all of that on the one perfect representation of every man who ever tried to tell you his pain was more important than yours, that his success is a tribute to talent and not privilege, that if we disagree with him it is just because we don’t have the depth to understand his thoughts. Take down Ranbir, and we can take down every patronizing boss, every bad boyfriend, every dumb colleague promoted over you, every person who looks at the world and only sees a mirror, not a window. Yes, our Ranbir Hate, in one great cleansing burst, will Save the World.

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Ranbir Hate Fun Continues! Which Ranbir Movie is the Worst Ranbir Movie?

Oh my, I don’t know if even I can answer this question! But the fun thing is, we don’t have to pick just one answer. We can all hate our own things for our own reasons. (the links in the titles will take you back to my reviews)

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Ranbir Hate Week Rolls On! Remember When I Was Really Really Mean About Jagga Jasoos?

Why is it so joyful to beat up Ranbir? I just don’t know! Is he a symbol of all indulged Indian men in the world? Or do we hate him just for himself? Does it really matter? Anyway, here is a review of his one and only movie as a producer which I hated very very much and which he produced so terribly he literally ended a studio (UTV, RIP). The paragraph where I rip into Ranbir is in bold.

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