Padman Trailer: Mansplaining Menstruation

Remember how I was so sick yesterday I had to put up rerun posts?  Keep that in mind, it may have made me a bit irritable.

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Silly Songs Post: Pearl Harbor Day Antakshari

76 years ago today was a day which has lived in infamy (am I the only one who hears that in the distinctive Roosevelt East Coast twang?).  And I am using that as a jumping off point for a game of film song Antakshari, in my own random style.  Because it’s been tiring mourning Shashi, we need something fun. (in case you don’t know, antakshari is a game where you trade off songs, player B having to pick up with a new song on the same note/word/syllable as where player A left off, and back and forth)

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New Tiger Zinda Hai Song! Very Romantic

Very romantic in a particular way, with Salman putting together and surprising Katrina with wonderful things.  Which makes me interested in their character dynamics a little bit.  Especially because I just re-watched Ek Tha Tiger and it fits nicely with how their relationship was established in that.

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World AIDs Day! How is it Addressed in Hindi Film?

Amitabh just reminded me through twitter that it is World AIDs Day today.  And I also got an email from the very very good local AIDs clinic in Chicago (donate to them!  They do good stuff), and I thought it might be interesting to look at the few times Indian film as acknowledged the AIDs epidemic in the country.  It’s about the same amount as American pop culture has acknowledged it, but more musical! (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

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Learn Hindi From Film Songs for Hindi Movies

My continuing series!  Which is half tongue-in-cheek and half serious.  If you truly are only interested in learning Hindi in order to better appreciate the films, these are the words that will help you.  If you want to actually learn Hindi to read books and talk to people and stuff, this is useless.  It’s very rare to need the word for “unfaithful” in common conversation.  At least, not my conversations, I don’t know your life. (first post here, second post here, if you want to learn even more words!)

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First Tiger Zinda Hai Song! I’m Not in Love With It, But I am Excited For the Movie

Literally the second I fell asleep, poof!  This was posted!  And I stayed up late last night too!  Salman must have a Margaret-tracker that tells him when I fall asleep, and that is when he posts the things.

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Happy Children’s Day!!!!

Children’s Day in India is November 14th, because that’s Nehru’s birthday, and Nehru loved children.  Isn’t that sweet?  And, just like World Animal Day and all the other sub-holidays, I am marking the occasion with a theme video post. (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

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Greetings from My Sister’s House!

Well, here I am at my sister’s.  And I am having so much fun, I forgot to put a name in the Christmas Giveaway post until an hour after it went up (who noticed?  Be very proud of yourself if you did!).  If you are curious, here is what we have done so far.

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Happy Veteran’s/Armistice Day!

The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month!  Very easy to remember, very hard to ignore.  That’s when WWI officially ended.  Over one million Indian troops served overseas, and 74,187 died.  2 million Americans served, and 116,300 died.  Although the majority of those deaths were from the influenza epidemic, not battle. (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

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Learn More Hindi For/From Films!

In case it wasn’t clear on the last post for this, I’m not trying to actually help you learn Hindi that you could use in the real world.  This is strictly the words that will be helpful in adding a slightly higher layer to understanding films you are watching with subtitles, and to help you follow along if the subtitles go wonky.  You will almost never hear most of them in real life.

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Learn Hindi From Film Songs!!!!

This is inspired by Alisa, our new commentator who is trying to get a handle on the films.  And also likes Aamir, thus the orgy of Aamir at the end this.  It’s half tongue in cheek, just an excuse for fun songs, but also serious, these songs will really give you a leg up on some common words.

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Happy 1 Day to Shahrukh’s Birthday! The 1 Way He Makes Me Feel

Yaaaaaay!  For the 1 day, the final day, here is the 1 way that Shahrukh makes me feel.  And, okay, I’m going to go a bit over the top here, but I figure, if you’ve come with me this far, you feel the same way.  Plus, I’m all caught up in the holiday spirit!  And this is almost the same post I put up last year, but that’s just because my feelings haven’t changed since then.  There’s just a few more songs available to express them.

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Happy Halloween!!!!

You ready to get spooooooooooky?  Well, kind of.  I can’t really think of many super scary Indian films.  Partly because I just don’t like scary/horror films.  And I already blew my idea for a post on not-so-scary songs that I just really like from bad horror movies back on Friday the 13th. I know there are a lot of them, especially in the last few years, but I don’t really watch them.  So let’s see what I can do with what I have. (this is an updated and reposted post from last year)

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My Sister Has No Power, Electrical Songs!

My sister lives in Maine where, thanks to a massive record breaking windstorm, 64% of the state is now without power.  And has been for 24 hours.  While the electrical company focuses on getting power back to places like hospitals (spoiled hospitals!) and she shivers in front of her fireplace (this is why houses with fireplaces are the best!), I thought the least I could do is a songs post that she can read on her phone (no power for the internet router).

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Why I Didn’t Post More Today and I’M NOT GOING TO FEEL GUILTY!!!!

I went off into The World today, and therefore wasn’t able to sit at home and type and type and type, and you had to make do with one very very long Silly Sunday post instead of anything more than that.  And I am trying very hard to feel like I accomplished useful things in The World, instead of feeling bad because I didn’t write my usual 10,000 words a day.

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Pumpkin Songs

I spent the day roasting 5 pumpkins.  Tomorrow I turn them into food, I am thinking pumpkin muffins first, pie later (after I get a chance to buy lard for the crust).  Anyway, since I didn’t have time to write a substantive post, I am throwing up another silly songs post to represent pumpkins.

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